Hiring an Expert to upgrade to Coppermine 1.3.1 Hiring an Expert to upgrade to Coppermine 1.3.1


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Hiring an Expert to upgrade to Coppermine 1.3.1

Started by soundoftheuniverse, August 16, 2004, 12:43:33 AM

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I want to upgrade my 1.2.1 to 1.3.1.  I tried and nothing worked, ened up deleting everything and starting over with 1.2.1   :-\\

I'd also want you to install a few mods after trying out 1.3.1 to see what it's missing. 

Since I'm a novice and don't want to overpay, can some of you with high ratings post what you think is a fair wage for these services? 




Please ask this in the proper forum, Looking for Freelancers / Paid help.
Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

Joachim Müller

setting up or upgrading to cpg1.3.1 should be easy (provided your server is set up properly). An experienced user should be done with this in 15 minutes to half an hour (including uploading). I think $10 (Paypal) should be more than enough.


P.S. Don't get me wrong, I'm not the one you can hire - this was not meant as an offer.


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Can someone, anyone who knows how to properly install CPG 1.3.1 please contact me. 

The first guy took my money,  left my site a disfunctional mess and isn't returning my emails.   As of now, my site's been down 7 hours and I'd really appreciate any professional help getting this fixed.

Please email: soundoftheuniverse@comcast.net

Tarique Sani

SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


Yes I mean Tanfwc. A problem occurred this morning (12 hours ago), something host side which he said he'd need the host to do something. I don't really know.  Anyway, I gave him my hosts email addy and contacted them to let em know Tanfwc would be inquiring about the problem.  He's yet to send an email.

Of course I'm not a coder which is why I paid to have it done.  I suspected it may take an hour or two but I just don't have the patience for this right now.  3 kids a newborn and all the other madness, PHP is the last thing I want to worry about.

Thanks for the emails though, hopefully we can get this working by tomorrow.


Do not send me a private message unless I ask for one.  Make your post public so everyone can benefit.

There are no stupid questions
But there are a LOT of inquisitive idiots

Tarique Sani

Some problems take time to resolve - I would say you were very hasty in making such a serious allegation. Also it could possibly be entirely the fault of your host. While I do understand that you have problems and do not want to worry about PHP but implying that some stole from you!!!

Be careful with your choice of words in future.
SANIsoft PHP applications for E Biz


No Dave, I need your help.  I've already sent you an email.


Quote from: soundoftheuniverse on August 24, 2004, 12:53:16 AM
Can someone, anyone who knows how to properly install CPG 1.3.1 please contact me. 

The first guy took my money,  left my site a disfunctional mess and isn't returning my emails.   As of now, my site's been down 7 hours and I'd really appreciate any professional help getting this fixed.

Please email: soundoftheuniverse@comcast.net

I would like to said that you have NO RIGHT to said that i did not return your email. Do check your inbox and see how many email i have reply you since i decided to take up this job. I have explain CLEARLY in the email that the host has locked out the database and it cause the gallery to be down. Since it is been locked out, and i can't even access a single data in picture table, i can't poceed anymore. You have been very impatient. Everything is ready for upgrading and i even upload all the new files on another directories and checking your files and database that everything is fine. Once everything is ok, i will move the new files over to your current folder but your database does not seem to work with me. You need to contact your host about this or get a backup copy of your database from them.

As a third-party, i do not have the right to contact your host about anything. Everyone knows this. If i am able to contact them and tell them what to do, this will pose a SERIOUS SECURITY risk.

If you are able to calm down and work with me nicely, everything may work out well and fast.
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Look at the time you send me all those email. I am currently away from home and i will only get back 6 hours later. Do remember that we are on a different timezone.

  CPG Upgrade soundoftheuniverse 24/08/04 11:01 9Kb  
  Uninstall please soundoftheuniverse 24/08/04 11:01 14Kb  
  Please contact Casper soundoftheuniverse 24/08/04 10:40 14Kb  
  Idea soundoftheuniverse 24/08/04 10:30 14Kb  
  Stick with 1.2.1 for now soundoftheuniverse 24/08/04 10:30 14Kb  

I don't reply email unless i am using my outlook express as i need to keep ALL my email send or recieve as proof.

Do tell Casper to retrieve a copy of your gallery database and send it to me. I will be able to upgrade and fix everything by 8 hours later if everything is in my inbox by 6 hours later.
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Thanks Dave for getting it upgraded.  Bad news I have to upload all the pics but oh well, I shouldn't have a reason to mess with things much now, maybe just some mods. 

Maybe you can add a mod or two Tanfwc? 


Quote from: soundoftheuniverse on August 24, 2004, 08:15:20 AM
Thanks Dave for getting it upgraded.  Bad news I have to upload all the pics but oh well, I shouldn't have a reason to mess with things much now, maybe just some mods. 

Maybe you can add a mod or two Tanfwc? 

Sure. Email me what mod you like to add and i will do it for you. If you are able to get a backup copy of your database, you may not need to reupload all those pics.
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Joachim Müller

Quote from: soundoftheuniverse on August 24, 2004, 06:00:20 AM
No Dave, I need your help.  I've already sent you an email.

Please don't send out emails unless the person has agreed to be sent one...
Your allegation of tanfwc stealing your money and doing nothing has been wrong, and I think it's about time you posted so (maybe even say "sorry"? :-\\), to restore his reputation - someone later browsing this thread might draw false conclusions if you didn't.



Quote from: tanfwc on August 24, 2004, 06:43:35 AM
Do tell Casper to retrieve a copy of your gallery database and send it to me.

I would like to point out this 'Casper' is not me.  I have had no involvement in this at all.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Quote from: Casper on August 24, 2004, 12:03:44 PM
Quote from: tanfwc on August 24, 2004, 06:43:35 AM
Do tell Casper to retrieve a copy of your gallery database and send it to me.

I would like to point out this 'Casper' is not me.  I have had no involvement in this at all.

Sorry about this. Let me clarify.

The Casper in my post in soundoftheuniverse's webhost support and it is not related with the CPF Dev Team Casper.
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Quote from: GauGau on August 24, 2004, 10:44:53 AM
Quote from: soundoftheuniverse on August 24, 2004, 06:00:20 AM
No Dave, I need your help.  I've already sent you an email.

Please don't send out emails unless the person has agreed to be sent one...
Your allegation of tanfwc stealing your money and doing nothing has been wrong, and I think it's about time you posted so (maybe even say "sorry"? :-\\), to restore his reputation - someone later browsing this thread might draw false conclusions if you didn't.


Sheesh, are you the email police?  Fyi, I sent him an email after he sent me one.  Is that ok?

Far as being sorry... I'm sorry I wasn't content with version 1.2.1.  I'm very sorry about that indeed. 

Joachim Müller

If things have been sorted out between the two of you by email, that's OK. I was suggesting to clarify this on the board as well, as I don't want tanfwc 's reputation to be damaged here - he might want to look for other customers on this pages, and people reading about a bad reputation he doesn't deserve would be bad for him in the first place.
Seems to be hard for you to apologize...



There is nothing for me to apologize for.  There were no "allegations" made.  I paid to have the upgrade done, it was botched and my site is still DOWN!  These are facts not allegations.