CPG 1.3.2 - Upload files and edit them all at once - Page 2 CPG 1.3.2 - Upload files and edit them all at once - Page 2


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CPG 1.3.2 - Upload files and edit them all at once

Started by mstralka, August 27, 2004, 06:15:05 PM

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I Found the mistake...

here... in original CPG 1.3.2 is code in upload.php...

array($lang_upload_php['album'], 'album', 2),
array($lang_upload_php['pic_title'], 'title', 0, 255, 1),
array($captionLabel, 'caption', 3, $CONFIG['max_img_desc_length']),
array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords', 0, 255, 1),

but in mstralka introductions no infos about that... i dont understand.

take mstralkas code... and replace it in your CPG 1.3.2 in upload.php

array($lang_upload_php['album'], 'album[]', 2),
array($lang_upload_php['pic_title'], 'title[]', 0, 255, 1),
array($captionLabel, 'caption', 3, $CONFIG['max_img_desc_length']),
array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords[]', 0, 255, 1));



I know! Frogfots modification is already there in upload.php and not in the other files. :(


i've been trying to install this mod - looks very good - but i've had the same problems:
. only uploads one picture, and only displays "continue" button (after installation of frogfoot's mod).

it seems to be unclear whether this mod should be installed after installation of frogfoot's mod, or not. or maybe frogfoot's changed.??

if anyone has got it to work recently i could use a hand.


ok for what it's worth....
i've got it working, with this sequence of installation:
1. mstralka's jupload mod, WITHOUT doing either frogfoot's fancy album list mod OR mstralka's upload files and edit them all at once mod (this one right here).
2. frogfoot's fancy album list mod.
3. mstralka's upload files mod (this one right here), WITH the bug fix noted by foulo, ie...
"move   } //end for loop   to end to make this mod work !!!"
thus there should be 4 end-braces } in a row...
// That was the last one. Create a redirect box.
msg_box($lang_info, $final_message, $lang_continue, 'index.php', "100%");

// Exit the script.
} //end for loop

anyway it worked for me i hope to have nothing more to do with the matter.
i presume step 1 is optional.


Nice mod! Works great (cpg1.3.2)
Got parse errors at first, but thanks to contribution from other posters in this thread, I got it to work.

Only one problem.. when you try to place all the files with the " Move all photos to:" option.
I get the error: Selected album does not exist or you don't have permission to upload in this album
So I just removed that option from line 2479 of upload.php

Just a suggestion, but someone should organize it all into one post.  :)


other issues i've had with this mod are:

. the permissions on the "edit" folder are intermittently completely screwed up. it's only when something goes wrong with the upload process, for example it times out and the user pushes "back" on the browser. the only way i can solve the problem each time it happens is to rename the "edit" folder, and create a new one with read/wrte/execute permissions.

. photo descriptions (except the first character) that are added on the multiple uploads page don't get recorded. this appears to happen whether the user uses the jupload plugin or individual file uploads.

any suggestions out there?


Quote from: noname00 on November 23, 2004, 04:23:56 AM
. the permissions on the "edit" folder are intermittently completely screwed up. it's only when something goes wrong with the upload process, for example it times out and the user pushes "back" on the browser. the only way i can solve the problem each time it happens is to rename the "edit" folder, and create a new one with read/wrte/execute permissions.

Try editing your include/picmgmt.inc.php and fid '0666'.  Change it to '0777' or '0755', whichever is the one coppermine needs to work.

Ask your webhost to chown the old folders to you, then you can delete them.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


and a fix for the descriptions bug:
mstralka's original mod posting part 2 (Posted on: August 28, 2004, 02:12:43 AM) says ...


$form_array = array(
array($lang_upload_php['album'], 'album[]', 2),
array($lang_upload_php['pic_title'], 'title[]', 0, 255, 1),
array($captionLabel, 'caption', 3, $CONFIG['max_img_desc_length']),
array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords[]', 0, 255, 1));

Replace with:

$form_array = array(
array($lang_upload_php['album'], 'album[]', 2),
array($lang_upload_php['pic_title'], 'title[]', 0, 255, 1),
array($captionLabel, 'caption', 3, $CONFIG['max_img_desc_length']),
array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords[]', 0, 255, 1));

... but should read ...

Replace with:

$form_array = array(
array($lang_upload_php['album'], 'album[]', 2),
array($lang_upload_php['pic_title'], 'title[]', 0, 255, 1),
array($captionLabel, 'caption[]', 3, $CONFIG['max_img_desc_length']),
array($lang_upload_php['keywords'], 'keywords[]', 0, 255, 1));

the change is addition of square brackets after caption entry.


So with all thre updates on this is there a final release of the mod???  ???

Or does one need to go through the entire topic ?


Please try to show some appreciation for the people who are actually doing the work here. I don't think reading through an entire 2 pages is particularly gruelling.



What you are trying to use with this mod is basically a beta version. They are getting all the kinks worked out.  If you aren't an accomplished coder then perhaps you just need to wait until all the kinks are worked out.

It's the same reason the dev team constantly cautions folks about using the devel version of coppermine. If you insist on using it, you get no training wheels.

When the dev gets good and ready I'm sure he will release a final version for public consumption.  But theres very little point in doing so until all the minor tweakings have settled down to a dull roar and all the initial adopters are happy with it.


Mods ... user contributions come with no warranties so "beta" is kind of implied. The authors of the mods don't even have to revise their code or care if it works for someone else. To accuse anyone who volunteers their time and their code of doing it for an ego trip is... insulting. Why would anyone care to share with someone with an attitude like that? People could have just kept their mods to themselves and not expose themselves to this tye of criticism and expectations.

Hein Traag

I got 2 little suggestion.

1) Move all complaints and moaning to a seperate thread before it completely swamps this one and no one gets what they want.
2) When new on the forum, no matter how skilled you are, respect the work of others and mind your manners. Been there done that learned my lesson  ;)

It's a forum about coppermine.. not world war III.

ontopic: Very nice mod. Am going to install it tomorow, going to come in handy when my beloved users get their hands on the upload button *grin*
I'll let know if i run into any trouble installing it.



Quote from: noname00 on November 24, 2004, 02:07:25 AM
and a fix for the descriptions bug:
mstralka's original mod posting part 2 (Posted on: August 28, 2004, 02:12:43 AM) says ...

the change is addition of square brackets after caption entry.

Good job, thanks!


After following foulu's post I was able to get this to work.  I also ran into the problem where only one photo shows up after upload photos.  Thanks foulu!  :D

Quote from: foulu on September 04, 2004, 12:39:27 PM
thanks, i always scare about it. But i think
// Check to see if this is the last one.
         if(count($escrow_array) == '0') {
            // Create the final message.
            if ($PIC_NEED_APPROVAL) {

               if ($file_placement == 'no') {

                  $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['no_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_db_input_php['upload_success'];

               } else {

                  $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['yes_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_db_input_php['upload_success'];


            } else {

               if ($file_placement == 'no') {

                  $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['no_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_upload_php['process_complete'];

               } else {

                  $final_message = ''.$lang_upload_php['yes_place'].'<br /><br />'.$lang_upload_php['process_complete'];



            if ((int)$CONFIG['allow_assign_multiple_photos'] == 0) {
               // Delete the temporary data file.

               // Send e-mail notification to the admin if requested (added by gaugau: 03-11-09).
               if (($CONFIG['upl_notify_admin_email']) and ($PIC_NEED_APPROVAL)) {
                  // Encapsulate so included lang file doesn't interfere with global one
                  function cpg_send_upload_notification() {
                     global $CONFIG;
                     $lang_db_input_php = cpg_get_default_lang_var('lang_db_input_php');
                     // Get the mail files.

                     // Send the message.
                     cpg_mail($CONFIG['gallery_admin_email'], sprintf($lang_db_input_php['notify_admin_email_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), sprintf($lang_db_input_php['notify_admin_email_body'], USER_NAME,  $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].'editpics.php?mode=upload_approval' ));

               // That was the last one. Create a redirect box.
               msg_box($lang_info, $final_message, $lang_continue, 'index.php', "100%");

               // Exit the script.
         } //end for loop

            if ((int)$CONFIG['allow_assign_multiple_photos'] == 1) {
            // Delete the temporary data file.

            // Send e-mail notification to the admin if requested (added by gaugau: 03-11-09).
            if (($CONFIG['upl_notify_admin_email']) and ($PIC_NEED_APPROVAL)) {
               // Encapsulate so included lang file doesn't interfere with global one
               function cpg_send_upload_notification() {
                  global $CONFIG;
                  $lang_db_input_php = cpg_get_default_lang_var('lang_db_input_php');
                  // Get the mail files.

                  // Send the message.
                  cpg_mail($CONFIG['gallery_admin_email'], sprintf($lang_db_input_php['notify_admin_email_subject'], $CONFIG['gallery_name']), sprintf($lang_db_input_php['notify_admin_email_body'], USER_NAME,  $CONFIG['ecards_more_pic_target'].'editpics.php?mode=upload_approval' ));

            // That was the last one. Create a redirect box.
            msg_box($lang_info, $final_message, $lang_continue, 'index.php', "100%");

            // Exit the script.
move   } //end for loop   to end to make this mod work !!!


Hmm. I did everything good and fix bugs and this mod dont want work. I can put image url and when i click NEXT after uploading i see empty white page. ???
LuCaS ( lucas@tuning4u.info ) GG: 40139
http://tuning4u.info - best wallpapers and tuning photos


This Mod Is What I Have Been Looking For.
I Did All Mods Twice Now In The Last Few Months But, Im Doing Something Wrong With The Upload.php File.
Can Someone Post A Working  Upload.php File  So I Can Download It.


Ok I finally got the upload.php to work without errors.
I did a little changes to fit my needs , but i would like some more mods to it.
If someone can take a look at my pics, and if its simple to change, I think more people could use.



And Here Is my upload.php file