[Solved] Unable to make "New Album" - Page 2 [Solved] Unable to make "New Album" - Page 2


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[Solved] Unable to make "New Album"

Started by clairobscur, August 21, 2004, 03:59:38 AM

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Joachim Müller

zip your version and then attach the zip file to your posting (click "additional options" at the bottom left of the screen when composing a message).


Please do your translation, using the dutch.php, not the utf_8 version, and post it in this thread, http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=4623.0

Rename it as a txt file, and atach it to your post, using the additional options.

edit, Whoops, missed gaugaus post
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


With a lot of respect for the original Dutch translator - Ron Bos - I finished today what you requested me to do: to make a revision and adjustment of the Dutch language file. As an editor and translator by profession I realize quite well, that making the very first translation (he did) always is a lot more complicated and difficult than adapting and correcting a text that already exists afterwards, as I did now.

Nevertheless I made a little more than 500 corrections (yes, I counted them) and was rather stupefied by this large quantity.
There were a number of good translatable English words which were not translated, there was some disorder, grammatically inacurracies, wrong or incorrect spelling and  inconsistent language usage to mention the most remarkable deficiencies.

I zipped the file and would like to know if I can post this zipped file here - like GauGau suggested - or should I follow Casper's advice here mentioned before and post it as a text file in the thread he is mentioning?


Joachim Müller

both is OK, your choice... Thanks for your effort.



It took me a little more time because I was VERY cautious NOT to interfere again  ;)  in the JavaScript messages !

My revised version is based on the latest language file in CPG 1.3.2 :
CVS version: $Id: dutch.php,v 1.7 2004/07/24 15:04:02 gaugau Exp $

Without overstating my adjustments, I would characterize this language file now as a correct and clear Dutch language version.



I feel flattered by your "Translator" gesture in my profile.
Please mail me directly if you need any more help in the future.

Regards,  Tony

Joachim Müller

Thanks, I will contact you if necessary (probably when cpg1.4.0 goes out to the translators). The dutch language file you provided is in the stable and devel branch of the cvs. Being in the "Translator" group means you will get your hands on non-public pre-release packages of future versions.




I tried to change in my "clairobscur" profile my e-mail address. A new activation code was sent to me, but activating this link resulted in the message: You are not allowed to access this section. I tried several times but without any result.

So, I registered again with the same name + "01"
Is anyone of you able to get me out of this endless message loop and sothat I will have access to my own profile again and simply able to make a change without these error messages?

Joachim Müller


All is OK and set. The "clairobscur01" profile can be deleted again.
Thank you for your help.

Regards,  Tony