Reply to comments hack Reply to comments hack


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Reply to comments hack

Started by Dr Preacox, June 18, 2006, 07:09:50 PM

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Dr Preacox

I am looking for someone to create a MOD for coppermine 1.4.5 that will enable users to "reply" to previous comments, as far as I know this hasn't been done, I would prefer someone "popular" to create this hack and by popular I am refering to someone who knows the coppermine system well and wont destroy my site :)

Well I would prefer free, but a price can be set via PM if payment is the only way I can get this done

Whenever, ASAP is handy but not necessary.

If a DEV member is willing to give me some insightful help I may be able to write the code myself. Might just take a lot of help tho  ;D

Thank you very much to all that reply.

Samuel Freeman
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Joachim Müller

Just for clarification: so you want the comment users refer to see quoted in the reply, similar to the methods used on a BBS like this forum?

Abbas Ali

Chief Geek at Ranium Systems

Dr Preacox

@ Abbas Ali - Yes excactly like that, but with better color scheme *winks*
@ GauGau - Having it as quoted is even better, but not so necessary as I think most smart people know what they are commenting on, but yes that would be handy.

So would you lads mind helping me?

Just as a note I am using the Modpack with avatar, PM and buddies etc and wondering if it is possible for the system to PM a member after one of their posts have been replied to, this would be handy.

oh and I am using the Multiline Comments Plugin, incase you needed to know.

Thank you,

Samuel Freeman
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Abbas Ali

Color scheme will depend on the theme you choose. That color shceme is cpgNG's default theme.

Just to give you some will need to alter comments table and add a parent field which will store the id of the parent comment. Then on display arrange the data properly by grouping them as per parent/child relationship.

I know it isn't as easy as it sounds... You will need to do a bit of work.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems

Dr Preacox

Hmmm well this seems out of my league, is it possible for you to do it  :D
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Abbas Ali

I don't want to commit anything...i am little busy these days. Maybe some other person/freelancer might come up and help you.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems

Dr Preacox

Quote from: Abbas Ali on June 20, 2006, 01:32:26 PM
I don't want to commit anything...i am little busy these days.

Thats okay, I understand, rather busy myself atm.

Maybe some other person/freelancer might come up and help you.

I hope so  :-[
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Quote from: Abbas Ali on June 20, 2006, 07:12:43 AM
Color scheme will depend on the theme you choose. That color shceme is cpgNG's default theme.

Just to give you some will need to alter comments table and add a parent field which will store the id of the parent comment. Then on display arrange the data properly by grouping them as per parent/child relationship.

I know it isn't as easy as it sounds... You will need to do a bit of work.
I need this help too much, i beg your help if you are available, thanks a lot.

Abbas Ali

Quote from: ibanez on September 10, 2007, 04:15:24 PM
I need this help too much, i beg your help if you are available, thanks a lot.

Unfortunately, i am not :(.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems