i need to update my gallry manualy i need to update my gallry manualy


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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i need to update my gallry manualy

Started by tiptipon, January 07, 2007, 06:39:05 AM

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first im sorry for the note were i it sems to be faq.

i need to up date mnualy my gallery for the reason that my gallry was desind by som guy that i have paid to him and i dont knoe how hi did it (sise of gallry and color).

i have no time to explore how to make the change agine beacuse i have a besnis to run and not mach time to deal with that.

i will be happy if i can get the codes and diractions for manualy update.

Removal of unused file include/exifReader.inc.php
Addition of missing checks for email address validity and duplicate email addresses in profile page.
Some minor MySQL5 issues

Corrected some issues with html entities appearing in emails
Corrected flaw in search logic

Pagination issues corrrected
Fix for video playback in IE

thank you


Are you looking for a freelancer? Then please tell us here, read http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=8170.0 and add the necessary data to your post. A supporter will move your thread then to the freelancers board.


thank you but i think if any one from dev wil put here the code and instraction to update with out damege the galley manualy it will be good for me and for athure pipule that made desine for there galey to ajust there sits



Quote from: tiptipon on January 07, 2007, 09:54:59 AM
thank you but i think if any one from dev wil put here the code and instraction to update with out damege the galley manualy it will be good for me and for athure pipule that made desine for there galey to ajust there sits

Are you looking for paid help, or do you want to learn?  If the installation wasn't a custom hack for you, the update is quite easy.  Read the docs.  There is no magic button.  Either you need to learn, or you need to hire someone.



i read that and i hoped that ther is a manualy way to up date without damage my desine.
i wonted to lern how to do that by copy and peast the new code insted of the old one.
as i said i dont know were the desin change have been made in and i wonted to improve my gallry without tamege my disine becous i donnt know what fils have been modifide

pleas try to help me and ather users to applay this insted of making us pay for the servic that pipule like me have to pay when they can get the hrlp here /
mybe if i ask onw qwestion at a time i can get a beter help and maybe if i wosen manchn tahat i have paid in the past you wanted to help like in the past.and like evry ones here gets the help,
i gut a very good help here befor sorry i am not a giver to this comunty but this forom is to help dums like me no?

i hope i get the help that i need
thank you and soory for me english

Joachim Müller

If you want to figure out what the actual changes are that the theme designer has applied, use a diff viewer like WinMerge and use it to compare your copy to a vanilla one. If the theme designer has done his work properly, you should be save to upgrade as suggested in the docs, as the changes then should reside within your custom theme that doesn't get touched when upgrading. Anyway, if you do as suggested in the upgrading section of the docs and keep a backup of your current files, you can safely try to figure out any issues that might turn up.

If you want actual help, post a link to your coppermine-driven gallery for a start.


thanks admin for youre sensier answer.

as my last posts i haav 2 cgp

1.for my kindergurden cgp 1.4.3

2.for my wedding pics cgp 1.4.9

now that you give me this great toll abuve  i nedd to know if you can tell me what files were modifide sins cgp 1.4.3 and cgp 1.4.9 so i wont chek all the files and spnd days to realise what have bin changed (my wife will kill me)
then all i will nedd to do is to see thise files and compare them .

thank you

Joachim Müller

All files have been changed. That's why you're suppossed to compare your cpg1.4.3 custom install with a vanilla cpg1.4.3. This way, you'll figure out what has actually been changed.
Do the same thing for the cpg1.4.9 install.

Download links for those outdated versions should be http://downloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.4.3.zip and http://downloads.sourceforge.net/coppermine/cpg1.4.9.zip

However: the changes to your "custom" themes appear to be very, very trivial. I hope that you haven't actually paid the "designer" for applying those absolutely minor modifications. As far as I can see, only the background color has been changed and a custom logo has been added. You should be safe if you keep a backup of your classic theme and restore that after upgrading. I wouldn't even go through the extra work of diff-comparing the code. If anything goes wrong, you can safely go oback (using your backup that you're suppossed to create when upgrading anyway) and try the diff-comparison then. In the future, you should use custom names for your custom themes and not just use existing ones.