Oranje theme - Page 3 Oranje theme - Page 3


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Main Menu

Oranje theme

Started by Stramm, February 04, 2006, 02:00:10 PM

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I' newbie in  Coppermine Gallery, in site programming (like PHP) also.
I installed cmg 1.4.9, Stramm mod pack v3, and RightClickMenu plugin v2.0.0.
In Tentacle theme RCmenu works ok, but with Oranje theme it doesn't.
If i right click on tumbs or large pictures it appears browser menu.
What should i change in Oranje theme to disable showing right-click browser menu (it appears in FF and IE)?
My cmg with Oranje theme: http://tomaszewicz.zpt.tele.pw.edu.pl/foto/thumbnails.php?album=12&theme=oranje
and with with e.g. Tentacle theme: http://tomaszewicz.zpt.tele.pw.edu.pl/foto/thumbnails.php?album=12&theme=tentacle
Best regards.


I'm no friend of disabling the rmb and therefore I never looked into that... so I can't help you. If disabling the rmb is just for protecting your pics from downloading then there are better ways to do that. With your solution you only would fool only absolute newbs


plzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz must reply/ must help me

I am using "Orange" theme

my website url : http://www.picsnclips.net

Remember: Google Allow us to set his AdSense-Codes upto 3 Nos in a page. I want to add Google AdSense Codes in all pages every possible/ suitable places.


==> In all pages: below the admin / user menu (home,register,login...etc) on the right side in vertical style

==> In Intermediate picture viewing page besides of all pictures above film-strip

please tell me details (step by step)
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
*Image Removed*


has been asked and answered several times
please search the board.

This is not necessarily an Oranje theme related question


Sorrrrrrrrry and thanks for your cooperation to all members

I find out / solved my Google AdSense related issue.

============= But there is another, Theme related Problem =============

I want to remove Border-Lines in theme, it me be done by increasing width of page borders or any how. please let me know how to increase theme's width or remove / transparent border lines.

I know it has been asked before but i was unable to understand the solution / discussed matter for the issue.
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
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it's gfx... look for it in the themes images dir


Is there an easy way to move the menu bar from the right side to just under the logo in the header?  I tried searching and simply moving the tags in the template.html file but I wasn't able to come up with anything


why not u use another theme with default "horizontal" style menu...

this theme is best with its own style...
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
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Because I like the theme other than the menu being on the right

I am having another problem now though - when a user is logged in, the template breaks - attached pic

I'd like to modify it so that "Create Order my albums/My Profile" etc are displayed one by one per line instead of beside eachother and that should stop the template from breaking


Solved my own problem, not sure if it's the proper way

In include/themes.inc.php


// HTML template for user admin menu
if (!isset($template_user_admin_menu))  //{THEMES}
$uid = USER_ID;
$template_user_admin_menu = <<<EOT

                <div align="center">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="albmgr.php" title="{ALBMGR_TITLE}"> {$USER_ID} {ALBMGR_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="modifyalb.php" title="{MODIFYALB_TITLE}">{MODIFYALB_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="profile.php?op=edit_profile" title="{MY_PROF_TITLE}">{MY_PROF_LNK}</a></td>
                                <td class="admin_menu"><a href="picmgr.php" title="{PICTURES_TITLE}">{PICTURES_LNK}</a></td>


And replace with:

// HTML template for user admin menu
if (!isset($template_user_admin_menu))  //{THEMES}
$uid = USER_ID;
$template_user_admin_menu = <<<EOT

                <div align="center">
                <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="1">
                  <tr><td class="admin_menu"><a href="albmgr.php" title="{ALBMGR_TITLE}"> {$USER_ID} {ALBMGR_LNK}</a></td></tr>
                  <tr><td class="admin_menu"><a href="modifyalb.php" title="{MODIFYALB_TITLE}">{MODIFYALB_LNK}</a></td></tr>
                  <tr><td class="admin_menu"><a href="profile.php?op=edit_profile" title="{MY_PROF_TITLE}">{MY_PROF_LNK}</a></td></tr>
                  <tr><td class="admin_menu"><a href="picmgr.php" title="{PICTURES_TITLE}">{PICTURES_LNK}</a></td></tr>



please write here ur site url address

actually i's having that problem too, but i managed it by studying this thread.
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
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Joachim Müller

Quote from: lifter on September 04, 2007, 06:28:44 PM
Solved my own problem, not sure if it's the proper way

In include/themes.inc.php
Not the proper way. Never edit include/themes.inc.php. Edit themes/yourtheme/theme.php instead


Links to the profiles of comment posters do not work. There's an {AUTHOR_ID} placeholder tag in $template_image_comments but nothing to process it.


A leftover when I ported it from the modpack version to the unmodded coppermine. As this was a modpack only functionality you need to remove the link from theme.php

                                        <span style="float:left"><cite><a href="profile.php?uid={AUTHOR_ID}">{MSG_AUTHOR}</a></cite> Says: - <small class="commentmetadata">{MSG_DATE} - </small>

replace with
                                        <span style="float:left"><cite>{MSG_AUTHOR}</cite> Says: - <small class="commentmetadata">{MSG_DATE} - </small>

In the modpack version this function changed as well to not show the author as link if he's a not logged in. Therefore  the {AUTHOR_ID} placeholder doesn't exist there anymore, too. The modpack version is already up to date.



I am using Oranje Theme for my site : www.PICSnCLIPS.net

I want to change it's default font-color from Orange to Green.

please tell me the right way to change font color.

Waiting Positive Response
Qayyom Ashraf .:|:. Karachi-PK
*Image Removed*

Hein Traag

@Qayyom: first upgrade to 1.4.18

Joachim Müller

Then start a thread of your own instead of hijcacking the ann0uncement thread if you have individual customization requests. Do so after having read http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,24056.msg123520.html#msg123520 and after having applied one of the tools discussed there. We can't teach you CSS basics.