Displaying videos from Youtube in Coppermine. - Page 9 Displaying videos from Youtube in Coppermine. - Page 9


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Displaying videos from Youtube in Coppermine.

Started by Nibbler, October 31, 2006, 03:42:27 AM

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Great MOD, but a quick question: Is it not possible to create a Plugin for this instead of a MOD.. as with each upgrade the files needs to be updated.




I am getting the following error when I upload a youtube video after applying the mods.

YT errors:
URI   Error message
1. http://youtube.com/watch?v=EIlzEloTQxM

What can be the possible error.


The URI is not working either.
What could be the possible problem?


Quote from: h4nh4n on November 06, 2006, 01:18:41 PM
Yup, I have fixed the sitemap.. You were right, I had put the code at the end of my theme.php then I move copy theme_html_picture() to the top after define('THEME_IS_XHTML10_TRANSITIONAL',1); and works fine now.

Thanks :)

I also broke my sitemap after this mod. Could you elaborate how you fixed yours.

Joachim Müller

If URI uploads don't work then you can't use this mod - your webhost probably disabled url_fopen.


Just FYI, according to my webshoster, url_fopen can be enabled by setting it in a PHP.ini file which has to be copied to the root directory.



Just tried it out and it worked.



allow_url_fopen = On

put it in Coppermine root directory..

thats it!


For anyone who can't change their php config like that, there is code posted a few pages back that uses cURL instead which may work.


Thanks all of you. I have successfully made the changes to display the youtube videos:


Quote from: bitcloud on March 22, 2007, 04:32:39 PM
Also, has anyone had any luck adding a watermark to youtube videos?
I have made a mod to Stramms's modpack to add a watermark to the thumbnails of YouTube videos added through this mod.

In Stramm's modded version of picmgmt.inc, find:
function resize_image($src_file, $dest_file, $new_size, $method, $thumb_use, $watermark="false", $sharpen=0, $media_type="false", $quality="false")

after it insert:
// if filename starts "youtube_", or "orig_youtube_" and ends ".jpg" then assume mediatype is video
if (preg_match('/\/youtube_(.*)\.jpg$/', $src_file) || preg_match('/\/orig_youtube_(.*)\.jpg$/', $src_file)){

This works fine for me.


Just to add to my previous post, that you may well find that you have to update your browser cache before you see the new watermarked thumbnails if you recreate them through Admin Tools | Update thumbs.


Nice to see you are putting the effort in but what is the point of overlaying a watermark over embedded youtube video?
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


The thumbnail now shows "video" as an overlay, so that users know that the link is to a video. This is particularly helpful when the YouTube link appears in another thematic album if the keyword of the album is included in the video's keywords.

So, for example, I have an album containing pictures of our Coventry Jesus Centre. I also have an album of YouTube videos. One of those features the Coventry Jesus Centre, and its keywords cause it to also appear among the Coventry Jesus Centre pictures. See http://www.jesus.org.uk/gallery/thumbnails.php?album=1. With the watermark, it is clear what to expect.


I do every steps described here, but i have this error message message:

Error Report
The following uploads encountered errors:
YT errors:
URI Error message
1. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqZiYKIjH7I

What does it mean and what can I do with it? Thanks!


Thanks. I used your "modded version of upload.php that allows you to use the mod on servers without URL fopen support" from your message posted on January 03, 2007.
It works, but I want to ask if it's ok to use this version upload.php for the latest version of Coppermine?


Generally speaking no, but in this case it's OK since the file has not changed since then.


I don't see fopen in my PHP.INI so should I assume I do not have access or is it somewhere else?

Just asking.
