Looking for and adapation of the coppermine code script Looking for and adapation of the coppermine code script


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Looking for and adapation of the coppermine code script

Started by moa, November 22, 2007, 02:13:49 PM

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I am seeking a near clone of the following web site:

It is an adpatation of a Coppermine script with some plugins and external scripts that have been intergrated.

Features to maintain:

Guests can see all pictures in all public galleries.

Registration of users to be approved by admin along with email verification.
Maintain all coppermin's admin controls of locking/blocking/banning.

Only Registered uses have access to create albums and upload and communicate through the site.

User Profile:
User name
Biographical info.(text)
Experience (text)
Physical measurement and features displayed if user is Model.
Option boxes to select different types of modeling they want to do.(displayed if selected)

To uploads their pictures and edit their profiles and their galleries.
Private passworded gallery is allowed.
Ability to select one of their pictures in their galley to act as their avitar.
The selected avitar used all comments on pictures and in the chat area on the index page.
Internal messaging system where registered uses can message each other. Inbox and sent messages. (Avitar used in messageing system)

integrated Chat area located on on the main index page of the site.

All galleries are in one Cat. Would preferr that there be no catagories at all
Every album be in the main public gallery.

Uses can only upload to their own public and private gallery.

Please send quotes and request for additional information.

Joachim Müller

Coppermine features most of the requested things out of the box. Why hire a freelancer to do that?
Anyway: you should do exactly as suggested in the sticky thread on this board if you want to attract potential takers of the job.



Yes I know, I have loaded and installed the mod. It is great. I found out about it after I did the post.
But now I am still fighting an uphill battle to make the changes I want to make. I am still learning php so it is slow going. Learning but slow! I would love to know more about how the program works. Is there a 'how it work for REAL dummys file somewhere. I keep telling myself, "Take your time, think how much you will learn when you finally figuar it out." But wants to do that and who has the time.

Thanks for all your help with having done the mod.
