THANKS to the devs - Page 4 THANKS to the devs - Page 4


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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THANKS to the devs

Started by DJMaze, November 29, 2005, 04:16:11 AM

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Just want to say thank-you to everyone who has helped me build my site, I get quick answers and pointed in the correct direction! THANKS!


If I have posted this in the wrong place then please be gentle with me as I am new to forums.
I have (eventually) got your modpak to work on 1.4.16 and I love it. It is nice and clean and easy to see.
My history in programming is using Basic, Basic plus and Fortran 4. (gives you an idea of my age) so I will not be making any coding changes.
Between Coppermine and your modpak Stramm I am very happy with my website.
I can not thank either the development team or Stramm enough.
Again, Thank you.

[Edit GauGau] Moved and merged on purpose. Also created a corresponding note in the board where this has originally been posted. @Hein: don't move that posting back! [/Edit]


Thank you to all the coders who quickly came out with a patch.

I upgraded to 1.4.17 today without a hitch.


Just a quick note to say thanks for the speedy patch & deployment of 1.4.18

Well done guys!




I want to thank the Devs too for quickly coming out with 1.4.18 and all their guidance on how to fix our galleries after the hack


Just wanted to thank the developers/programmers/support teams for this awesome product


Pascal YAP

All CPG Dev Team say : Thank you mrdouble08  ;D

Abbas Ali


[edit]sorry Abbas, forgot to Merge :-( [/edit]
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Just wanted to say that I LOVE coppermine.  It is, without a doubt, the best gallery out there.  Great job to the Dev and thank you for all of your support!
My Gallery -People, Kids, Nature, Family, and More


I just want to sincerely thanks the coppermine developers for this wonderful gallery.
There is no other gallery that are more great than coppermine, imho.

Thanks for all of your effort and time.
Coppermine is my one and only gallery. Love it. ^_^
[My Coppermine Galleries]
All Koreans, Lim Eun-kyeong's IFC
Saranghae 김태희


I want to say "Thank you" to all of you finally too. I use Coppermine since... a year or so now - including some questions I had to ask *gg*. It is a great gallery with many possibilities and its all for FREE! In a world where money is ruling nearly everything this is a great relief!


With very limited experience and no formal education in computer science, I set out to make an interactive web site for professional photographers in my family.  It took months to search, try and discard several programs.  About two months ago the new Internet host introduced me to Coppermine.  PHP wasn't even in my vocabulary.  I plunged in anyway.   

The site is now working.  And although I installed four copies to let me set up four pricing lists I am estatic with the features of Coppermine and simplicity of the program.  (I'll just delete cookies when needed)

Many hours and teamwork (who are Coppermine addicts!) brought this about.  I am grateful to each contributor.     

Please know on December 23, 2008 my children can say, "Happy 80th birthday, mom."




  Been using Coppermine for four years now on a PHP-Nuke site. Its works great. I have enjoyed my experience with it so much that I have decided to start a new stand alone coppermine gallery at I have close to 15,000 images queued for upload. After a few weeks of researching other photo gallery software such as 4Images, Gallery, Photopost and a ton of others, none of them came close to the amount of customization and easy template manipulation as Coppermine does. So thank you Coppermine Team, its a great product.



Great but I think something like feedbacks are not in the right place here ;)


Yah I know, I dont have permissions to post in the proper forum.


I'm a photogallery newbie who began with gallery2 and became totally disenchanted with the program! Anywhere I went 'I could not see the wood for the trees'. Then I found Coppermine and what strikes me immediately is the 'greater sense of your clarity of purpose' over here which is oh-so-encouraging for the newbie. I'm now looking to ditch my G2 this morning because of a distinct lack of clear instruction and support in order to customise a standard template in to an existing web site. I do like the cleaner look and clarity of your site and forums. Well done team! I just hope I can achieve my goal with your help.


Thanks to all who worked on this great program and to all who service it and continue to offer support!!!! :-*


 *Link Removed*



Adding my two bits of thanks.

It was easy to install, easy to configure the themes and the support board provided a simple plugin to change the menus. Many Thanks from a non coder.