[Solved]: Prevent rating [Solved]: Prevent rating


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[Solved]: Prevent rating

Started by expatpeter, April 15, 2009, 12:21:28 PM

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How can I prevent rating. I don't want to see the stars ans the rest of it.



Fabricio Ferrero

Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)

Joachim Müller

Longer version of the answer: you disable rating per group on the groups control panel, as suggested in the documentation that comes with coppermine ::)

Fabricio Ferrero

De nada! / You're welcome!  ;)

Thanks for coming back and solve you thread,

Read Docs and Search the Forum before posting. - Soporte en español
Fabricio Ferrero's Website

Catching up! :)