[Closed]: Configuration for domain that points to subdirectory [Closed]: Configuration for domain that points to subdirectory


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
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[Closed]: Configuration for domain that points to subdirectory

Started by rww, April 16, 2010, 05:03:02 AM

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I have two registered domains, which I'll call A and B. A is the main domain and I have Coppermine installed in a sub-directory of A, ie. www.A.com/Coppermine. www.b.com points to that sub-directory so that when you browse to www.b.com, coppermine is displayed.

The problem is that, when trying to list files in the upload queue, I get a "security error". From searching the forum, I'm pretty certain that its the result of not browsing to the same address that's listed in Coppermine's config file. I verified that by browsing to www.a.com/Coppermine/ and attempting to upload a file. It appeared to work, but then upon completion I got a different error: "Error executing ImageMagick - Return value: 127", and then "Upload failed."

Is there a way to remedy these two issues?

Abbas Ali

The "security error" is because you are trying to upload from a different domain than specified in coppermine config. It is a security feature by flash uploader which is being used to upload files and cannot be changed. You will have to upload from the same domain as specified in coppermine config.

For second issue - you don't have imagemagick installed on your server. Either ask your webhost to install it or use GD to resize images (manageable from config page).

We have a strict one issue per thread policy and you agreed to it while signing up on this forum. Please respect board rules in the future.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems

Joachim Müller

The error message you got is being explained in the docs and shows as well when searching for the error message. You obviously have not read the docs nor the board rules nor have you searched the forum before posting and instead posted straight away. That's just rude, as you're not paying the slightest respect to the time that supporters on this board give without getting paid. At least correct your mistakes now and do as suggested per Board rules / Forum policies: Post Links.


P.S. cpg1.5.x doesn't have an URI upload feature any more, so your entire posting is invalid imo.


My apologies. Actually, I thought that the two issues were the result of the same problem.

Secondly, as I stated the second paragraph, I did search the forums and found posts related to the security error, but they were not caused by having Coppermine installed in a sub-directory. I didn't find any posts related to a second domain pointing to the sub-directory.

Thirdly, you're right, I should have done a search on the second error message, but as I said I thought it was still related to the first issue.

Finally, I should have stated that I'm unable to change the configuration domain for upload to www.b.com as the program seems to "know" the directory structure for where it is and insists on having it's location in terms of the main domain. IMO, that's a program glitch since I have no problem browsing to the coppermine installation via www.b.com.


Quote from: Abbas Ali on April 16, 2010, 05:51:21 AM
The "security error" is because you are trying to upload from a different domain than specified in coppermine config. It is a security feature by flash uploader which is being used to upload files and cannot be changed. You will have to upload from the same domain as specified in coppermine config.

Can we change the setup js from

upload_url: js_vars.site_url + "/upload.php",    // Relative to the SWF file


upload_url: "upload.php",    // Relative to the SWF file

to upload to whatever domain you are visiting from?

According to the docs it will accept a relative URL.

Abbas Ali

Quote from: Nibbler on April 16, 2010, 01:26:30 PM
Can we change the setup js from

upload_url: js_vars.site_url + "/upload.php",    // Relative to the SWF file


upload_url: "upload.php",    // Relative to the SWF file

Done. Committed r7440.

This should also reduce those support requests where people are accessing their site without "www".
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems

Joachim Müller

@thread starter "rww":
Quote from: Joachim Müller on April 16, 2010, 07:18:30 AMAt least correct your mistakes now and do as suggested per Board rules / Forum policies: Post Links.
Again you failed to do as suggested: you haven't posted a link to your gallery, but a dummy placeholder link to a non-existing domain "b.com". Subsequently, I'm banning you for a week from posting for repeatedly not respecting board rules and moderator's advice.


Thank you SO much for helping me to decide that Coppermine is not the photo gallery I want to use. After all, it's not the only one out there, and with the kind of treatment you guys give to potential users, I'll be surprised if you don't see some of them surpass your software in popularity in very short order. I've both asked and answered questions on quite a number of other support forums, and I have to say you guys take the cake for rudeness. I stated clearly in my second post that I had searched the forums and had not found a definitive answer for correcting the problem with the flash uploader for the specific configuration that I had, only references the the www or no www sub-domain problem. BTW, at least my posts prodded you to consider that that problem should be fixed.

As to not posting links to my sites, that would be a bit hard if I was developing on a local server now wouldn't it? Furthermore, I don't post links to ANY live sites for ANYONE until I'm sure I have them correctly configured for security. Those are my rules.

A simple link to the information in the docs and a statement that most error messages are listed there would have gone a whole lot farther than your flames in convincing me to continue using Coppermine. If you are indeed one of the developers, there's nothing requiring you to personally answer all forum posts, unless of course you've so pissed off any other users that might other wise have assisted. Some people should stick to software development and let others who are more able interface with the public who use it.

In any case, thanks again for helping me decide to move on to testing other photo gallery software.


BTW, the following are some of your great posts to other users:

"Stop behaving like a moron" (Seems to me that resorting to name calling is prima facia evidence that "It takes one to know one.")

"The first name is "Joachim", the last name is "Müller", so it's "Joachim" for you or "Mr. Müller", but not "Müller". Just calling someone by his last name is considered to be an insult where I come from." (Apparently you don't get out much. It's perfectly acceptable in other parts of the world)

BTW, your website sucks. You should spend more time on learning some graphic design skills and less berating others for their supposed lack of intelligence.

Oh, and before you ban this username also, you can bite me.


Joachim Müller