Looking for paid help to add password protection Looking for paid help to add password protection


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Looking for paid help to add password protection

Started by Dakota879, November 11, 2010, 12:45:51 PM

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I need to add password protect features to the user albums. Basically to allow album owner to specify a password to his/her album, so their friends can see the album contents by just entering the password without the need to register. Right now, when user make an album private, only the owner can see the contents unless they give their own member password to their friends. I already have 300 members and over 3000 pictures and I need to integrate this so it can work with the existing members' albums. Rate is negotiable


This feature already exists.
Have a look at the album properties search for the checkbox 'password protect this album' and tick it.

Read the docs for more info

David Henry

I also need this feature.

I want to show a list of password protected albums before anyone logs in, they should only be for a password when they try to enter the album.
