Social Sharing Plugin (Facebook Like/FB Share/FB Comments/Twitter/VZ zeigen) - Page 4 Social Sharing Plugin (Facebook Like/FB Share/FB Comments/Twitter/VZ zeigen) - Page 4


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Social Sharing Plugin (Facebook Like/FB Share/FB Comments/Twitter/VZ zeigen)

Started by 1aB, January 26, 2011, 11:23:21 PM

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I am trying to get this to work but I am getting an error from Facebook when I click on the "Like" icon.

QuoteThe app ID specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag is not allowed on this domain. You must setup the Connect Base Domains for your app to be a prefix of

In the plug-in configuration screen I have my Facebook User ID included in the Fecbook USer ID page adminstrators entry. The next configuration item says "AppId of a Facebook App in whose context the page belongs. Facebook asks to set either this or an Admin Facebook User IDs as part of the OpenGraph tags." I interpreted that as meaning if I have my user ID in the field above this one I don't need anything for this field.

What am I doing wrong?

CPG 1.5.12 / Curve Theme / modified color scheme
Plugins (in order):
- External Tracker 2.6
- Social Sharing 1.5
- First Visit Hint 1.0
- Add Meta Description 1.5
- Image Preloader 1.4


I'm not certain about using just an admin ID, but you could simply create an app in the FB Developers area.  It's pretty simple to do, then can use that appID.


Hey 1ab,

It appears FB updated their comment code again in the past couple of days.  Broke the CSS I had going and the ability for it to email me when comments were made :( 
Looks like gotta figure out things again *sigh*


OK, I created a placeholder Facebook app to get an app ID, entered it into the appropriate field on the configuraiton page. If I click "Like" I get an error from Facebook but it looks like the "Like" is passed through to my Facebook page. So I guess it works but not as elegantly as it could, maybe...
CPG 1.5.12 / Curve Theme / modified color scheme
Plugins (in order):
- External Tracker 2.6
- Social Sharing 1.5
- First Visit Hint 1.0
- Add Meta Description 1.5
- Image Preloader 1.4


Need to add Google +1 now.
Also I think I could tweek the email script to add comments to the DB as well so Last Comments still works and all.  Will have to work on that.

but, 1ab's account is now listed as guest? Guess he deleted it or something? :(



Quote from: TeknoSounds on July 21, 2011, 06:28:50 AM
but, 1ab's account is now listed as guest? Guess he deleted it or something? :(
I don't know what happened. Afaik users cannot delete their accounts themselves. Hopefully it wasn't deleted by some of our anti-spam-mechanisms :o

I just sent him an email.



when I press Like button, I get error, when I click on error I get this message.

QuoteThe app ID specified within the "fb:app_id" meta tag is not allowed on this domain. You must setup the Connect Base Domains for your app to be a prefix of

I have created a facebook appid and I inserted appid and my facebook id in the settings.


I have problem with this plugin. Worked in a few days, but at today not send title and description to Facebook. FB get standard title tag and link, and no get meta settings. Plus thumbnail on FB not same like picture... Like OpenGraph not working or FB not read OG tags...
What's my problem?
Please check it, here is my link for a sample picture:
My gallery and demo for AnythingSlider, Photocols and CollagePlus plugin:


A plus information more: if "Include detailed OpenGraph metatags for restricted content?" option is enabled, then correct thumbnail will show on post. But if this off, then will show a picture thumbnail what before actual image.
I hope help to you for debug.
My gallery and demo for AnythingSlider, Photocols and CollagePlus plugin:


Ok, I don't understand a thing:
- If I select to default theme from any original theme, or NoteBored theme, then FB public will work correctly.
- If I select my generated theme (fotosarokA and FotosarokB), then meta tags there, but FB not published correctly.
I try replace theme.php, template.html or style.css in my themes, but nothing happened. Where is my problem??? My code is valid, labels in template.html is correct, and theme.php with empty content not solved my problem. But this plugin will work only original themes...
Need modify this plugin, or...?

OK, here is my solution:
In my theme.php was a line:

If this line removed, then share working correctly!!! I haven't progress graphics in my templates.
Sorry my posts, but if anyone have same problem, need search in template files!
My gallery and demo for AnythingSlider, Photocols and CollagePlus plugin:


I'll give up.  :-\ At yesterday final publish pictures from my site correctly. Today not. Same problem: if original or NoteBored template setting to default, publish is ok, but mine templates not. But nothing changed from yesterday. If publish will correct, then I see an Error from facebook: my URL is blocked.  :o
I'll give up.
My gallery and demo for AnythingSlider, Photocols and CollagePlus plugin:


And next bug (or something): I like a picture at friday, now tuesday, but I not see my like under picture. Lost my like or other problem?
Like again, and get Error with this comment:
QuoteThe content you're trying to share includes a link that's been blocked for being spammy or unsafe:<br /><br />Body of an error/warning message. Title is: Sorry, this post contains a blocked URL<br /><br />For more information, visit the <a href="">Help Center</a>. If you think you're seeing this by mistake, please <a href="/help/contact.php?show_form=block_appeal">let us know</a>.
I think facebook cached my page, because this picture was liked with correct labels, and re-like was ok, but if like older (not liked) picture, I get problem again.

If delete UserID for admin, then work correctly again. I don't understand what's happened. ID is mine.
My gallery and demo for AnythingSlider, Photocols and CollagePlus plugin:


Hi I use Social Sharing plugin " ". It is very great but below the comment box, facebook shows message like this--

"Warning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features."

I have seen some coppermine user, who use this plugin without having this message below their facebook comment box. Please give me some suggestion to remove this message.



Any way to avoid this w3c error? I wonder if Facebook is still using non-compliant html tags as of today.

Line 9, Column 16: there is no attribute "property"

$socialmeta .= '<meta property="og:site_name" content="'.$CONFIG['gallery_name'].'" />'.$newline;






I use this plugin for FB commenting. Recently got the message from FB:
Your app, comments, needs to be updated for the February 2013 Breaking Changes.
Once your app is compliant, set the migration setting to "Enabled" in the Advanced section of the App Dashboard.
These changes will be permanently enabled for all apps in 1 day on 6 feb 2013.
Details here:
What needs to be done from the plugin side?


I seem to be stuck with this error messages under facebook comments

QuoteWarning: this comments plugin is operating in compatibility mode, but has no posts yet. Consider specifying an explicit 'href' as suggested in the comments plugin documentation to take advantage of all plugin features.


I do not fully understand programming but after a few days of trying to get the href message it seems to have gone

in codebase.php

$links = '<span id="plugin_social-sharing"'.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_span_attr'].'>';
if($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fblikeb_js'] || $CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fbcomments']) {
$links .= '<div id="fb-root">';
//  $links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="'.$lang_social_sharing['fblangcode'].'/all.js"></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript">FB.init({'.($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'] != '' ? 'appId : \''.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'].'\', ' : '').' status : true, cookie: true, xfbml : true });</script>';
$links .= '</div>';

and replace
$links = '<span id="plugin_social-sharing"'.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_span_attr'].'>';
if($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fblikeb_js'] || $CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fbcomments']) {
$links .= '<div id="fb-root">';
//  $links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript" src="//"></script>';
$links .= '<script type="text/javascript">FB.init({'.($CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'] != '' ? 'appId : \''.$CONFIG['plugin_social-sharing_fb_appid'].'\', ' : '').' status : true, cookie: true, xfbml : true });</script>';
$links .= '</div>';

The only line was changed was

to //


No i got that comment bit sorted how to i change the title on facebook. It displays the file name. It looks like there is a section in codebase.php but tried changing some of the text but can't figure it out