Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x - Page 3 Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x - Page 3


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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Invision (IPB) 3.x Bridge for Coppermine 1.5.x

Started by Fast Lane, July 21, 2010, 09:40:54 AM

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Thanks guys for the updated bridge. Does it only work for Coppermine 1.5 and higher? I get an error, "Fatal error: Class 'Inspekt' not found in line 171" on 1.4, did some googling and it appears to the an incompatible version.


Yes, you should upgrade from 1.4.x as a matter of urgency. It has been unsupported for nearly 2 years now so there have been no security updates.
It is a mistake to think you can solve any major problems just with potatoes.


Hi, I cannot get the bridge to work on my test forum running on IPB 3.3.4. The forum is located at www.domain.tld/testforum and the gallery is in www.domain.tld/testforum/gallery. Admin group is 4, conf_global.php file is located in the testforum folder and the test forum's cookie prefix is "test". I also followed the instructions to modify to fix the problem when "use bridge app custom groups" was set to yes.

I logged in using the standalone admin account in the gallery, enabled "use bridge app custom groups" in the bridge manager, no errors show up after clicking on the finish button but it doesn't show any content at all.

Here are the modified parts from the bridge file.

if (isset($bridge_lookup)) {
    $default_bridge_data[$bridge_lookup] = array(
        'full_name' => 'Invision Power Board 3.x',
        'short_name' => 'invisionboard30',
        'support_url' => '',
        'full_forum_url_default' => 'http://www.domain.tld/testforum',
        'full_forum_url_used' => 'mandatory,not_empty,no_trailing_slash',
        'relative_path_to_config_file_default' => '../',
        'relative_path_to_config_file_used' => 'lookfor,conf_global.php',
        'use_post_based_groups_default' => '0',
        'use_post_based_groups_used' => 'radio,1,0',

function cpg_udb()
            global $BRIDGE;

            if (!USE_BRIDGEMGR) {
                $this->boardurl = 'http://www.domain.tld/testforum';
                $this->use_post_based_groups = 0;
            } else {
                require_once($BRIDGE['relative_path_to_config_file'] . 'conf_global.php');
                $this->boardurl = $INFO['board_url'];
                $this->use_post_based_groups = $BRIDGE['use_post_based_groups'];

Cookie prefix

if ($superCage->cookie->keyExists('test_member_id') && $superCage->cookie->keyExists('test_pass_hash')) {
                $id = $superCage->cookie->getInt('test_member_id');
                $pass = substr($superCage->cookie->getEscaped('test_pass_hash'), 0, 32);

Did I miss anything else? Thanks in advance for your help. :)


Well, I figured it out the cause and it's the unnecessary _ before the pass_hash and member_id.


An update.

Bridge file provided by Elemental Crisis works for CPG 1.5.24 bridged to IPB 3.4.5