Looking for someone to hack and skip album list page Looking for someone to hack and skip album list page


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Looking for someone to hack and skip album list page

Started by tadasp, January 31, 2005, 10:02:06 PM

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I'm looking for the way to skip the Album List and go to directly inside the Album from Category.
In other way, I want to keep just 1 album in 1 Category and I don't want to show the album list page at all. So if you click on category you go into the Album and see all the thumbnails inside.

I don't know how easier would be to approach this issue. Is there any mods to do that or should I pay someone to do that?
MY budget could go up to $50. But that is all... :-[ I really need the perfect answer...

THank you!!



If you are only having one album per category, why bother with categories at all, just create the albums in '*no category*', they will show on the front page and you will go directly into them.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Thanks for reply.

That's the point. I want to have lots of categories and sub-categories with 1 album in each subcategory or category.
I want to have a website with lots of videos which will be pretty hard categorized. If someone could make modyfication on this!



Basically what I think he wants is nested albums.  I'll let you know right up front thats not going to be a trivial process.

The first problem you'll encounter is that all category navigation is done with index.php. When you finally choose an album your thrown to thumbnail.php which handles generation of an album.

What you might want to consider which would be a whole lot simpler and give the "appearance" of nested albums:

Number of levels of categories to display: 1 (Limits random thumbnails from being pulled from categories below)
show first level thumbnails in categories: No (I think it will just cause confusion)
Look at "number of rows on thumbnail page" under thumbnail view, remember the number.
content of the main page: modify the string where /random,2 appears to /random,4 (or whatever the number was in the prev step)


What should happen is user will begin browsing your cats. Each cat will still show the album they can go into, but they will get 4 rows of randoms from that album/cat and no other albums.

Hope that helps.


Thanks donnoman...
But... I did the same way a while ago (what else you can do) :-\\

Anyways... If you say it is hard to make as you call "nested album" then what I can do..
It is really pity. I'm not very good in PHP but I'd really love someone to do that  :-[

I still would love to know what is the scope of work to make such modifications? ???

thanks again..


You would have to combine index.php and thumbnails.php.

Doing so takes you way out in left field as far as supportability goes.

This is the direction cpg is going, however you wont see it in an official release in quite some time. It's not in 1.4.

Joachim Müller

I guess you won't see such a huge mod for $50, so you probably will have to wait untill it's available for free ;).



Ok, Then How much would be the estimate for this kind of mod?  ???


Joachim Müller

I don't know - in fact I have no idea if anybody is ready to do this as a mod at all, as it would require huge re-designs in terms of the overall structure coppermine uses, which should imo not be done for cpg1.3.x at all (with both cpg1.4 and cpgNG in the dev pipelines).



i have sipmle solution: detect if this cat have how much album, and if this cat have 1 album, we change the link of this cat to link of the album inside it.

Open index.php


$link = "<a href=\"index.php?cat={$subcat['cid']}\">{$subcat['name']}</a>";

replace with

// add by kak - to detect ???

    $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category = {$subcat['cid']}".$unaliased_album_filter;
                $result = db_query($sql);               
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);                       
    if ($album_count == 1) $link = "<a href=\"thumbnails.php?album={$row['aid']}\">{$subcat['name']}</a>";
                else $link = "<a href=\"index.php?cat={$subcat['cid']}\">{$subcat['name']}</a>";           
// end

may it help


Foulu, THANK YOU, you saved my hopes  :P :-*

I knew there must be a simple solution to redirect to 1 album in Category!

I owe you a box of beer when you'll be in chicago  :)

Why Coppermine Dev Pro's couldn't think about this solution?:)



np, this is a sipmle hack, thx for your box of beer.


What happens when you encounter a category that has a single album, and also has its own subcategories?

Why Coppermine Dev Pro's couldn't think about this solution?

Pobody's Nerfect.

We are all individuals with different competencies and ways we like to do things. If you ask all the devs to code something, each one of us would probably approach the problem differently.  That applies to everybody involved with Coppermine, including supporters like Foulu.

That my friend is the power of open source.

I'm glad he found this fix for you, and that your happy with it.  Good work Foulu.


please could someone make a 1.4.x solution for this issue? I have upgraded my coppermine gallery from 1.3 to 1.4 and this hack does not work anymore  :-[ Please, could someone could take a look at this:

// add by kak - to detect ???

          $sql = "SELECT aid FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_ALBUMS']} as a WHERE category = {$subcat['cid']}".$unaliased_album_filter;
                $result = db_query($sql);               
                $row = mysql_fetch_array($result);                       
          if ($album_count == 1) $link = "<a href=\"thumbnails.php?album={$row['aid']}\">{$subcat['name']}</a>";             
                else $link = "<a href=\"index.php?cat={$subcat['cid']}\">{$subcat['name']}</a>";           
// end

and modify it for 1.4.x coppermine version .... PLEASE.... I don't really know any coding....:( Thanks...

Joachim Müller

This is not a public support thread, but resides in the paid support board. Locking!
You started another thread that got solved (although you started it in the wrong sub-board; I moved it accordingly). Respect board rules in the future.