Will Pay for underwater theme. Will Pay for underwater theme.


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Will Pay for underwater theme.

Started by kriptap, March 10, 2005, 01:58:53 AM

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I need an underwater theme, here is a link to the site so you can get an idea, if anyone wants to give it a shot let me know what you would charge and we'll go from their. I'm willing to put down a deposit.




I can create it for $85. No any pre-payment. First 2-3 drafts, then we talking over them, then I make the theme. 5-7 days for all work. If all is OK, let me know.


George, fire away your on. take a look at some of the photos for ideas, then you can post here or send a message.



I've not heard back from George, can anyone else make this theme?



I would give him a PM.

He has excellent feedback from those who have used him before.  he may well already be working on it.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


@kriptap: Be patient a little, please :)
I working now on your request and hope to send you first screenshots tomorrow. And I was not emailed for your reply, maybe just didn't turned on checkbox when wrote post...

@Casper: Thanks :)



the post reply notification is not working for an unknown reason, so best if you check back often.

PM notification is working ok.
It has been a long time now since I did my little bit here, and have done no coding or any other such stuff since. I'm back to being a noob here


Thanks George, was not sure if you were taking me up on it, Thanks, best to send a message here I'll check a few times each day.

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Casper on March 12, 2005, 04:16:49 PM

the post reply notification is not working for an unknown reason, so best if you check back often.

PM notification is working ok.
sf.net has changed their policy on mail being sent from the webservers: they currently block all outgoing mail (which includes notification emails as well). I think it's about time to get the webspace we have been talking about on the dev board a while ago...
I'll set up a message in the forum's news section that tells users that notification emails won't work for a while.



Attached 2 drafts: I called them "hard" and "soft". Tell me what you consider more suitable, and what additional wishes you have, then I create final theme.


They look great, I think I like the soft, number two better. I like the top part a lot and the buttons, if you could make the page footer look something like the header but thinner, I think you've got it.  And the blue color that goes around, (I'll post a picture) if you could make that look like deep blue water? hope thats not to long. Thanks again.


Ok, I now start to create theme from this draft and put the link to my work in several hours.



Sorry, I had a little problem with my computer.. Now all is ok, you can view the theme here:
I think it is 90% complete, just tell me, what you like to see in the footer.


George I think that's it, it looks great as it is, no more changes needed, tell me what we do next.




George did a great job, the site looks great! I've just paid so wanted to say thanks again to George and to let others know if you need a theme give him a shout, great job.