Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs... - Page 3 Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs... - Page 3


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Modpack with bridge support: PM, avatar, watermark, cropped/ sharpened thumbs...

Started by Stramm, February 24, 2006, 01:34:35 PM

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on a Final note - couldn't solve the template error. Seems messing up with the template is far more difficult than I ever imagine...
Well... if someone is willing to port the subSilver template, please let me know! :D


yeah really, all's working fine now.. i can see the "new admin tools" in the configuration, all's saved correctly, and the modpack is working well

ok so i'm testing the mod.. looks very great.

i've a little question about pms, the email notification system don't seems to work, i can't receive notification.. maybe the same language problem? the same for the "Display pm status info when logged in" option, any advice?


lol, OK guys... good to hear that you've sorted out most of your problems alone. If there still might be the one or other lil thingie....

here a quote from my first post in this thread...
Everything can be switched on and off in admin, [b]you'll need to use the english language to make changes in config[/b] (or you translate stuff and add it to your language file)
(relevant parts in bold, hehehe)
Of course I do not speak every language in the world and therefore can't translate everything but I'd be grateful if otheres will contribute and post their lang files here....

to the themes... in the old modpack thread I've explained how to do the changes. Standard themes should work out of the box or the modifications to do / downloads are in the old thread. A lot of questions are answered there too



Quote from: easyjava on March 08, 2006, 12:54:18 PM
Nobody can help me ?

probably bridged with a not yet supportrd bridge ... read the first post please


Quote from: Stramm on March 08, 2006, 01:17:06 PM
probably bridged with a not yet supportrd bridge ... read the first post please

It have just installed coppermine with your mod, no bridge. But i use Kubrick theme, and when I try with classic theme I have an other error :

Template error
Failed to find block 'report_comment_button'(#(<!-- BEGIN report_comment_button -->)(.*?)(<!-- END report_comment_button -->)#s) in :

<table align="center" width="{WIDTH}" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="0" class="maintable">

                        <table width="100%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
                                <td class="tableh2_compact" nowrap="nowrap">
                                        <b><a href="profile.php?uid={AUTHOR_ID}">{MSG_AUTHOR}</a></b><a name="comment{MSG_ID}">&nbsp;</a>


that's a not mod related error. Usually appeares with old themes. Just reupload


Quote from: Stramm on March 08, 2006, 04:53:19 PM
that's a not mod related error. Usually appeares with old themes. Just reupload

Ok I know where is the problem. Some days ago you have make a file for me (it was for an old Kubrick theme) and when I put it I have the error. If I stay with the original I can't put more of one comment on a picture. Can you help me to find the problem ?



good ... but what do you mean with 'more of one comment on a picture'. Do you mean you (a visitor) can comment several times on a pic but you wish to be able to comment only once?? If that's the case then just disable that behaviour in config (standard coppermine feature in comment settings - I think it was 'consecutive comments ')


No but (visitor, admin etc..) the comment is accepted, but not display.
I use the kubrick the that you havu modify for me


OK, got you but still not fully.
If a comment doesn't display (when guest has commented) read this thread and apply the given fix. If that's not the problem you have... a link to your gallery always may be helpful. A testuser account as well ;)


Quote from: free on March 03, 2006, 02:01:04 PM
Hello Stramm
I found the error: if I insert the pictures with "Upload file", the Watermark is on both pictures. If I upload the pictures per FTP and insert the pictures with the function "Batch add files", the Watermark ist only on one picture (the original pic isn't watermarked). Is there a possibility to fix this little error?

I've forgotten to write that this problem has been solved too. The culprit was wrong permissions in that environment. Some setups require that pictures that you want to batch add and watermark are chmoded to 666



I'm going to do the french translation  ;)





I want to adapt a theme for your mod but i don't know the modifications. Can you tell me ?

Thank you


what exactly do you need to know??
There's one menue entry (buddies) and the loginbox (buddy, PM quick info)

despite that avatars in comments and the comment notification link



hmm.. and what exactly is the problem???

do you want to do some additional translation?? ... please ;)

some time ago I've posted an adapted kubrick in the old thread 1.4 modpack thread... it's working but unfortunately it wasn't the new offical version

  array('Enable Custom Thumbs (movie, audio, document)', 'enable_custom_thumbs', 1),
  array('Watermark custom thumbs (movie, audio, document)', 'enable_thumb_watermark', 1),

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// File changeThumb.php
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //

if (defined('CHANGETHUMB_PHP')) $lang_cThumb = array(
  'stats' => 'Please make a selection',
  'available_pics' => 'You can chose from',
  'remove_thumb' => 'Remove current thumb',
  'remove' => 'To remove the current thumb mark the checkbox and hit \'Remove\'.',
  'title' => 'For the media with the filename:',
  'img_name' => 'Image name:',
  'instr' => 'Please chose an image you want to use as source to create a thumb for the above media (jpg/ png/ gif)',
  'deleted' => 'Thumb deleted',
  'delete_error' => 'Couldn\'t delete the thumb',
  'no_images' => 'You can cange thumbs only for movies, documents and audio files',
  'error' => 'Error',
