[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 15 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 15


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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Joachim Müller

There has been a contribution for a corrected translation of the Dutch language file only recently, and quite some heated argument about it as well. Dutch people seem to be very strict when it comes to their language. Anyway, please review the discussion and make sure that you have the most recent version of the subversion repository (stable branch) before starting to correct it - check http://svn.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.cgi/coppermine/trunk/stable/lang/dutch.php



I have started an Icelandic translation. A complete, proof-read version is scheduled for end of september.

Icelanders are very picky when it comes to translations, therefore I will send the English and Danish version along with my initial version to selected group of people. You should have a firm and good translation once submitted.

Should anyone be willing to participate please contact me.

GauGau: Kindly add me to the translators mailing list.



Joachim Müller

Quote from: islandus on July 03, 2006, 12:55:53 AM
GauGau: Kindly add me to the translators mailing list.
There is no such list, sorry. Thanks for your willingsness to contribute. Please make sure to check out the most recent english language file from the stable branch of the svn repository (as suggested above) first (as a base file to start the translation from) and to read the translator guide that comes with coppermine.
You're of course free to handle the translation process as you see fit, but the idea of open source development is to release early (beta) versions for the benefit of the community and to get feedback, so I suggest you attach your early icelandic draft (as soon as you have come up with one) along with a warning that the translation is still in an early stage. This way, others may review your translation easily in a collaborative effort.


I'm planning to do Latvian translation. I already contacted previous translator Kaspars so it seems to be ok. Not sure about timing though...Hope to get it done in a week or so, but after a week I'm going away for a few weeks so if I don't make it by then, I'll do it in august.


I have maked a translation to my idiom: portuguese - Brazil - 98%

Thank you!  ;D

Joachim Müller

Thanks for the contribution. Added brazilian-portuguese to stable branch of svn and demo.


* oliver81 { out of topic }

Joachim Müller

This is not a support thread! As explained on the other thread you tried to hijack (and that I had to lock because of ignorant people like you), you're suppossed to ask support questions on the support board that deals with your coppermine version. Don't clutter the boards. Keep on disrespecting board rules and suffer the consequences! >:(


I'm sorry for that.

Didn't ment to cause any problems.

Joachim Müller

Editing out your initial posting, making the subsequent replies look silly is even worse. If I would have wanted your posting gone, I could have deleted it or edited it out with just one click. Instead, I bothered to write a lengthy reply, explaining what you're supposed to do. I did not say that you're suppossed to edit out your question. Don't behave like a moron. To give you time to read up the board rules and the pages refered on the board rules thread, you're banned from posting for 3 days. >:(


This is the final traduction of Copermmine in Albanian. I checked for error and results to me that it does not have any error excpect some typing errors. But I have a small problem and I would like that you help me. It is some words which even translated, appear in English and not in Albanian. exepmle the word "config" and "critical error". There can be other words, but those are what I noted. 
Greetings,  ANURO

Joachim Müller

You appear to have based your translation on the Albanian language file for cpg1.2.1. This is quite the opposite way round as suggested. In the translator's guide we clearly say that you're suppossed to use english.php as a base for your translation and eventually copy strings from an existing language file from an older coppermine version into it. You did this the other way round, which is technically possible, but it makes it very likely to ommit or forget strings by accident, which appears to be the case for you. You have to understand as well that error messages from mySQL will shine through Coppermine in the language your mySQL database engine runs on the server (which is English no matter what). Additionally, I had to convert your translation from iso8859-1 to utf-8 and change the file header - please check out the stable branch of the svn for future corrections.
Thanks for your contribution anyway: Demo - Checkout stable branch of SVN


In an other topic i noted that there were some modifications in the dutch language file but i'm affraid it is still bad...

  • No UTF8 support, not compliant should i say
  • To strict translated
  • Not for bigger sites fittable cause of de je/jij usage
  • many spelling errors

i'l be making an edited version now and will be posting it here and will provide full utf-8 support


Attached is an updated hebrew file.

@GauGau, Please update the link in the "about" page so it'll direct people to my site (it's on the file). I'm going to create a community for hebrew users of coppermine.


Joachim Müller

Thanks for the update - comitted to stable branch of SVN.

I'll update the about page asap as per request. However, I suggest reviewing the idea to try to build a community off-site: usually such community-building efforts fail because of a lack of activity. I suggest instead considering a hebrew sub-board of the Language-specific support board, please review the threads there. In fact, all it takes is at least one active member (you in that case) who's willing to do the moderation there. Please PM me to discuss details, as this discussion doesn't belong in this thread.


as GauGau  say saying add  ur translation her :) .
ok i translated the lang from english to arabic (_( Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.8 )_) but thare is encoding make me crazy  >:(
any way i well add my file that i translated her without utf-encoding (seeme)
why not add that file too? ..cuz it made me mad while try make it working in my site so i DELETE IT..and it at this time not working in my web site ..language appear  so crazy ..i am talking about arabic -arabic.php- so pls make the encoding to work BY SOLVE THE ENCODE
and if u wanna see encoding wrong ..go to my site :)  :P and see how it working by clicking on arabick lang ..
any way i thing u well not under stand arabic :) so u feel seeme if work or not   ;)
now about utf-8 if u cannot make it i well re translation ..it take only 4hours working :)
SO NOW all what i need is correct the encoding to work fine and evryt hing is very good
about my language !!
yes i cannot write English  very well as Englishman ..but understand it GOOD
go to my web site and try using arabic by try (green fag) after that click right  mouse  and try (encoding) and get the arabic ..it well work good
my site :  www.ante0.com/gall
the file her cuz it rar not zip so i add it on my site       =
http://www.ante0.com/arabic.rar                             =


You are using old lang file (probably a 1.3.x one) so you don't translate most part of the config page
Here is the part of Translator's Guide that will help you to find the last english.php to translate:
QuoteWork in progress

Coppermine, like everything else online, is a work in progress. Your copy of the english.php (that should always be used as the base reference file for your translation) may already be outdated. That's why it is critical that you always refer to the or [url=http://cvs.sourceforge.net/viewcvs.py/coppermine/devel/lang/]CVS - Dev- Language Section to make sure that you have the most recent english language file (translator version) on hand before starting your translation (and maybe even the most updated version of this document, as well, as there may be many questions along the way that need to be addressed in this document after the initial release of this document). Remember: if an option/replacement string is not translated, it will not be visible in your language at all.

Also , you can use your old arabic file and add the lost part to it by WinMrge:

QuoteRecommended Tools: to see what has changed between the language files of cpg1.3.x and cpg1.4.x, we recommend using a diff viewer that can highlight the differences in both files. Windows users should opt for the great, changes in file viewer WinMerge (available as freeware; 1.95 MB, localizations available as well): You can even edit the files with this tool (352 of 1152 lines have been added or changed). All new/changed lines have a comment at the end like this one: //cpg1.4.x

I can read arabic and also can understand it ( very little ! don't try it I , couldn't answer you  ;) )
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board

Joachim Müller

As bmossavari suggested: the file you added a download link for is not an actual cpg1.4.x language file, but one for cpg1.3.x, so you could have used the arabic language file that already exists for this particular version. However, this is not subject of this thread - it's meant for cpg1.4.x contributions. Do as suggested and read the translator's guide. Read the first postings of this thread as well: it's not a support thread!


do u need Indonesian?

i can translate to Indonesian language....
Artis Indonesia - Albums of Indonesian Actresses
Johan Ng - Personal Website


Why not ,
Translate to indonesian and post it here
Thank you
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board