Share your galleries - Page 23 Share your galleries - Page 23


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Share your galleries

Started by, September 23, 2003, 03:25:09 PM

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Joachim Müller

this is not a support thread, but a show off. Start a new thread in the proper support board if you need help. I guess you'll have to edit any pre-made theme to make it fit in such a narrow space. Integration using an iframe is not recommended anyway.


I've got a few running, - some adult material - psp browser friendly - private just for me. - for dynamic battlefield 2 signatures. - for making sigs
DJ tutorials, E-Bikes, Movies and videogames.


My new site using Coppermine 

Sill being worked on so only the front page and galleriesa are working.

Also my other site which I posted a few pages back


I'm new to all this as the website is not fully released....still adding content and soon to have some members. Feel free to Join and use it.

Here's my Member Forum:

Coppermine Member Gallery is linked to Forum:


Just installed Coppermine and running on  This is my first post.



This is my Coppermine based gallery:
I added a guestbook and a link page.


spirit of paris

Here is the new version of this gallery Spirit of Paris, with some flash integration.

Best regards.


Coppermine is a great product !  I have just got my wedding album up and running Thanks to a web design company called TME Solutions its also looking very professional!


Keep up the great work


Quote from: timandkirsty on November 07, 2005, 01:39:34 PM
Coppermine is a great product !  I have just got my wedding album up and running Thanks to a web design company called TME Solutions its also looking very professional!


Keep up the great work
Congrats on your wedding! Thanks for sharing the photos using Coppermine.

That's a gorgeous theme. Only thing is that it gets cut off at the bottom in Firefox. It looks great in IE.


My web site is callet Nitro Car Central and it is about the Nitro RC Car scene. It contains forums, but the news section is the main area of the site. It is an brand new site, and it has only been going 1 or 2 of weeks. The gallery is here


This is my site. It's about sea kayaking in British Columbia and uses a customized theme. We've got over 1600 photographs in coppermine galleries -- see them in our "Paddling Locations" section.




thanks TranzNDance .. ill get that looked into :)


Hey here is mine it's for my main website mostly pictures from clubbing in the UK from students!

also does anyone know a good theme I could find which would suit the genre for my forum?



Quote from: spirit of paris on November 03, 2005, 11:25:24 PM
Here is the new version of this gallery Spirit of Paris, with some flash integration.

Best regards.

MY GOD !!! MY GOD !!! Your stuff is simply AWESOME (not your CPG layout, but your photos ...)

Entre francais : je suis mega bluffé ...


Hey Hey  Finally got my double scroll bar thingy solved (for how to get the solution to this see or do a search for aimenglish or "double vertical scrollbars").. now I am just looking for a good skin or someone to help me intigrate it into my site seamlessly (I can pay if you can do the skin I am looking for!!) .

The photo album can be viewed at

It is a new one and most of the photos are origional... I still have  lots more to go, but I am still having some problems... 

On skins... the coding is very important.  On the "Fruity" skin which I liked and used as my default skin, it displayed double scroll bars on the right side.  There were a number of suggestions but nothing seemed to work.  I tried different skins and they didn't have a similar problem with Netscape (my default browser).  Before you go off on the staff (like I did), please take the time to check that the skin you are using has been coded properly to your browser of choice (do this by choosing the different skins in each section user, admin, config etc..).  I understand the admin are very busy, and are under appreciated.  I was ready to take a flight over there and tear a peice out of them, but please check all your bases first.  If it works in the default setting, then there might be a modification that someone has made that over rides that.  Always check the default first (it may not be what you want it too look like but it works).



Let me know what you guys think. Also, is it possible for the administrator to have more than 1 album because I am not sure how to do it.


Joachim Müller

Quote from: GladiatoR on November 29, 2005, 09:32:53 AM
Also, is it possible for the administrator to have more than 1 album because I am not sure how to do it.
As admin, you shouldn't user personal galleries, but the public ones that you can create using the "albums" button in the admin menu. Refer to the docs for details. Don't reply on this thread, as it is not meant for support - start a new thread on the support board that corresponds to your coppermine version if you have further issues.


1.4.2 out-of-the-box:
mainly vacations/scuba diving pictures