Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments - Page 14 Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments - Page 14


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Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments

Started by Abbas Ali, March 25, 2006, 08:39:59 AM

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I have include function to authorize comments guest.

Abbas Ali

Maybe you didn't uploaded fonts directory properly.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


what meaning  properly uploaded? Both fonts place in file-fonts...

Abbas Ali

I mean try re-uploading the font files. Also make sure that you have freetype support enabled in php.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Abbas Ali, i try re-uploading many times...?

GD Support  enabled 
GD Version  2.0 or higher 
FreeType Support  enabled 
FreeType Linkage  with freetype 
T1Lib Support  enabled 
GIF Read Support  enabled 
GIF Create Support  enabled 
JPG Support  enabled 
PNG Support  enabled 
WBMP Support  enabled 


There is certainly something wrong with them. The acidic.ttf from your site is different to the acidic.ttf from the package. Make sure you are uploading them in binary mode, try a different FTP client.


Quote from: Nibbler on January 13, 2007, 09:32:55 PM
There is certainly something wrong with them. The acidic.ttf from your site is different to the acidic.ttf from the package. Make sure you are uploading them in binary mode, try a different FTP client.

I have the very same problem.. only the cross instead of font images :/  Did you guys find any solution about this problem ? Were the font files really corrupted ?

Could you some info please ?

Thank you


I am having the same issue.  I get the image with the lines, but no text.  The protection is working, just the Confirmation code is not showing up in the image.  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  To see a sample of what I am having a problem with, please visit:

Thank you


If anyone with this specific issue is happy to PM me FTP access to their gallery I can investigate.


Hi, i have the same problem. It can be a problem that my webserver running under Windows? Because most webservers running under Linux, so it probably not tested on Windows OS.


im install captcha mod, but im problem. comments is available only for login user and no visible for anonym users? where is problem?
thanks for help


Set permissions on the groups page. This is not related to the mod.



I have tried sending you a PM with the FTP info you requested, but it does not seem to work correctly.  When I click the submit button on the PM, I am returned to my message.

Did you receive a message from me?


No, you can mail me using though.


I got your email. You don't have GD2 installed which is required for this mod.


Thanks Nibbler.  I will look into adding it to the server.

Thanks again.


To Nibbler: Thanks very much, I set permissions and everything is OK. Im lamer  :) Thanks again


Okay - I've worked through the 1st 6 pages of this thread and still can't solve my problem.
I've followed all the steps Abbas Ali and GauGau told us to do to install captcha.
Now I can see the Captcha when going to enter the comment, but even if you leave the Captcha word blank or enter it incorrectly Coppermine still add the comment.
This morning I had to clean out about 20 SPAM entries again.
I can attach or email anyone that want to see my theme.php and other relevant files to ensure it's correct. I have currently disabled comments on my gallery.
Any help please guys. Thanks Pieter

Abbas Ali

Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Thanks mate, I found the problem - there are 2 entries in db_input.php with the wording :
if (!(USER_CAN_POST_COMMENTS)) cpg_die(ERROR, $lang_errors['perm_denied'], __FILE__, __LINE__);

I used the wrong one. I redone it - Working fine. Many Many Thanks for this and for responding so quickly.

Abbas 1 - SPAMMERS 0

Cheers - Pieter