Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments - Page 21 Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments - Page 21


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Captcha (Visual Confirmation) for adding comments

Started by Abbas Ali, March 25, 2006, 08:39:59 AM

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Ohhhh has been a failure mio, the captcha works perfectly, the image is that on having been given I from discharge to was not leaving for no site, not me ocurrión to enter as anonymous user...
You forgive for all the inconveniences.
Many people thank you very much for everything and also for this so necessary and interesting plugin.
Regards from Spain!!


Greetings! Im using the newes CM gallery, and follow all the steps publish here, and apearantly it works but it dosnt show the numbers inside the image, I can see the field, and I when I press on OK its sayes the " Confirmation code didn't matched ", what did I did wrong?

Abbas Ali

If you open, you will see the errors. Apparently there was a bug in PHP documentation.

To remove those warnings -
Edit captcha.class.php and replace

$aCharDetails = imageftbbox($iFontSize, $iAngle, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i]);


$aCharDetails = imageftbbox($iFontSize, $iAngle, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i], array());

and replace

imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iAngle, $iX, $iY, $iTextColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i]);


imagefttext($this->oImage, $iFontSize, $iAngle, $iX, $iY, $iTextColour, $sCurrentFont, $this->sCode[$i], array());

That should do the trick.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


I've been struggling with adding this MOD for a while now, since being told I can't use the plug-in version as my install is bridged with SMF.

The instructions at the head of this thread for installing this MOD seem incomplete. For example, the earliest instructions state:
Edit themes/yourtheme/theme.php


'{CONFIRM}' => $lang_display_comments['confirm'],

just after

'{COMMENT}' => $lang_display_comments['comment'],


  <td class="tableb_compact" colspan="2">
  <td class="tableb_compact" colspan="2">
    <input type="text" name="confirmCode" size="5" class="textinput"> <img src="captcha.php" align="middle">

just after

<!-- END input_box_no_smilies -->
                                <td class="tableb_compact">
                                <input type="hidden" name="event" value="comment" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{PIC_ID}" />
                                <input type="submit" class="comment_button" name="submit" value="{OK}" />

Yet, when I look at my themes/yourtheme/theme.php file (based on the Classic theme), I see only this:

  Coppermine Photo Gallery
  Copyright (c) 2003-2007 Coppermine Dev Team
  v1.1 originally written by Gregory DEMAR

  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
  (at your option) any later version.
  Coppermine version: 1.4.12
  $Revision: 3636 $
  $Author: gaugau $
  $Date: 2007-06-29 11:35:30 +0200 (Fr, 29 Jun 2007) $

// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //
// This theme has all CORE items removed                                     //
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------- //


No '{COMMENT}' => $lang_display_comments['comment'],
string that I can see, nor any

<!-- END input_box_no_smilies -->
                                <td class="tableb_compact">
                                <input type="hidden" name="event" value="comment" />
                                <input type="hidden" name="pid" value="{PIC_ID}" />
                                <input type="submit" class="comment_button" name="submit" value="{OK}" />

There also appears to be a LOT of changes to the original instructions provided in this thread, yet the instructions at the head of the thread have not been updated to reflect those changes. In short, I don't see how to modify my install to use this MOD at this time. Thanks for your time...


Sorry but she can't cause her gallery is bridged with SMF and plugin doesn't work with SMF and joomla bridge

If you can't find codes on your theme.php then you should copy them from themes/sample/theme.php
In your situation you should
- Copy & Paste $template_add_your_comment variable (starting by $template_add_your_comment = <<<EOT and ending by EOT;)
- Copy & paste theme_html_comments($pid) function
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board



I had earlier used Abbas' captcha codes to install this feature.
It worked very well.  Thank you guys !

I recently installed the Tagblitz plug-in.
I got an error - a box with a red cross in the place where the captcha code should appear.

can anybody help resolve this problem.
(I had earlier posted this problem under tagblitz topic.
I'm not trying to cross-post.  But I guess it is more appropriate under this topic).

I'm no good in php.
Anybody can help?



The problem is Tagblitz plug-in , it's injecting javascript to Captcha image and break it

Quote from: eka on August 14, 2007, 02:51:16 AM
can anybody help resolve this problem.
(I had earlier posted this problem under tagblitz topic.
I'm not trying to cross-post.  But I guess it is more appropriate under this topic).

Actually you did cross-post
For now you can disable tagblitz and wait for it to solve the problem
‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board



‍I don't answer to PM with support question
Please post your issue to related board


Hi I tried to install this mod because even with a code users had to type (taken from a static image) I was still getting spam. Theres so much code to add in alot of files for this mod its difficult for someone without alot of php knowledge, and in some files where it says 'Add........ After........' Somethimes the code doesnt exist.
I then downloaded the 'plugin' by Sami and it said about using plugin manager to install it. Where do I find this or is it something I have to install to my gallery?

Abbas Ali

Ask captcha plugin related questions in the respective plugin thread.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems



I used Abbas Captcha for my site by amending the codes (before the plugin version came out).
I then upgraded my cpg to 1.4.12.
The captcha feature disappeared but the comment box was left intact.

Would it cause any problem now if I load the captcha plugin now?
Do I need to delete some lines in the code... before uploading the plug? and if so what lines....

Pse advice.

Abbas Ali

After upgrade did you preserved db_input.php and theme files from your previous version? I mean while upgrading did you overwrote all previously modified files? If yes then you can apply the plugin straightaway. But if you had preserved the old modified files then the captcha mod code should be removed from them before installing the plugin.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems


Is it possible to use Captcha for the reporting of pictures to the admin? Because I receive several SPAM mails a day.

I tried captcha and it works perfect in combination with my comments, but not for my reports ...

Abbas Ali

Yes it is possible to use captcha anywhere we are getting the user input. Please start a separate thread for this though as this thread deals with captcha for comments only.
Chief Geek at Ranium Systems

Master of Orion

Joachim Müller

@ Master of Orion: stop cluttering this board by requesting "the most recent version" of mods. The most recent versions already exist in the mod threads. Don't be lazy, read the threads and you should be good. Mods don't need to get adapted to minor version updates (e.g. from cpg1.4.13 to cpg1.4.14), you just have to re-apply the mod after updating, that's all.