Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 16 Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 16


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Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools

Started by Stramm, March 31, 2006, 03:33:15 PM

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make sure you followed the instructions to the point... if that doesn't help, start a new thread on the upload troubles board. Follow the upload trouble shooting guide (see docs) and post all necessary info


ok thanks, but could you pls tell me if i did something wrong in editing the files, because under admin tools it only shows me " Delete original image backup (watermark mod) (1) " there is no other options, there is no option of watermark already uploaded files as well?



there are supposed to be more options. So at least this file you should check for errors... maybe verifying all changes is a good idea


I have been using this mod without problems... it's fantastic to say the least. However since updating to 1.4.17 I cannot get the mod to work at all. I have tried uploading the old files I used before the upgrade to check if I incorrectly cut and paste the code. And I have recreated the mod using the correct files from the upgrade root. I don't get watermark options in config and no options in admin tools and no watermark on uplaods... can you help please.


Have you switched language to english US to do the settings? Or to thzat language file you've edited?


I've just checked to make sure that the language in config is set to enlish rather than english gb..... (so the config matches the file I edited)




I did change the language to english from English_gb and saved the configurations in config but the language keeps defaulting to English_gb. So I thought I'll make the changes to the english_gb file rather than the english file... still no luck at all.
I'll post the language change problem in the main support gallery.



this is no problem but expected behaviour. Either change the language with the dropdown selector (that one you can enable in config) or with


Quote from: Stramm on April 17, 2008, 10:10:10 PM
this is no problem but expected behaviour. Either change the language with the dropdown selector (that one you can enable in config) or with

Sorry about this. I've gone to the root directory of Coppermine and looked at the index.php and cannot see lang=english in the file. And as I said the drop down selector keeps reverting back to english_gb everytime I change it to english, despite clicking on save configuration.


PS just to add to the confusion I had 7 uploads ready to be authorised and despite no watermark control panel in config, 5 of the seven watermarked correctly. The other two are completely missing watermarks.



I read the documentation you sent me... this I already understood, well mostly anyway. This is where I have been trying to change the language, but to no avail.
Why suddenly is this an issue when I have enjoyed several upgrades on Coppermine?... Yours is not the only mod not working... none of them are in my gallery any longer... nor some plug-in's correctly.

I'm seriously considering downgrading because so many useful mods no longer work and my gallery is disfunctional now.

Thanks for your help anyway Stramm.


great mod but i wonder how i can changes location on my picture i want it down to the left wich i have choosen and its down to the left but i want it to be a little bit lower on the picture and as much to the left as possible. here is how its now
[Edit GauGau] Replaced hotlinked image with attachment nikivg2.jpg [/Edit]
and here is an example of how i want it
[Edit GauGau] Replaced hotlinked image with attachment file.php.jpg [/Edit]


Quote from: John3971 on April 20, 2008, 01:22:55 AM
great mod but i wonder how i can changes location on my picture i want it down to the left wich i have choosen and its down to the left but i want it to be a little bit lower on the picture and as much to the left as possible.,50450.msg242984.html#msg242984


Hi Stramm. Apologies for my post earlier it was premature and unnecessarily finger pointing. it seems that english_gb was to blame and once removed the watermark worked as expected.  I created a fresh install to deal with the other mods. However I've noticed that when I replace with your copy to enable watermarking all users on the board are allowed uploads without approval regardless how their rights are set in config. Because I've moved my gallery to a new server I checked the entries in the database (usergroups) to make sure that the settings in config had populated to the appropriate tables, and they had. I then eliminated all other edited files from the mod and was left with the If I replace the mod version of with the current copy from Coppermine, approvals work fine.... but the watermark obviously wont. I then replaced the with the copy downloaded from your mod and the watermark worked but upload rights were ignored and anyone could upload without approval.
I'm currently running version 1.4.18


I was wondering if you could make a new -> <-

One thats up to date with the current coppermine, cause as of now, i can only upload files with some size (over 600kb) with the original picmgmt file, and i can only add watermarks with the one you provided.. 

Big files with the modded picmgmt file just errors out when uploaded or batch added, and if i replace it with the standard one it works fine after a F5 ;)

Any help would be apreciated



Quote from: Stramm on February 29, 2008, 03:55:03 PM
changes from CPG 1.4.15 have been undone in 1.4.16... you always can use the modpack version of as it is  up to date

there hasn't be changed much... after all, watermarking needs a good bunch more memory. So if you're on low mem (it doesn't depend on size in k but width x height x color depth) that can reduce the size you can upload, too.


Quote from: Halfhidden on April 21, 2008, 11:36:04 AM
  I created a fresh install to deal with the other mods. However I've noticed that when I replace with your copy to enable watermarking all users on the board are allowed uploads without approval regardless how their rights are set in config.
I'm currently running version 1.4.18

I've replaced the with the copy from your latest mod pack and the watermark mod works perfectly. Permissions work as expected and watermarks are place in the correct portion of the image, whether uploaded by batch or  otherwise.
Thanks for your help,