Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 15 Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 15


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Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools

Started by Stramm, March 31, 2006, 03:33:15 PM

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as mentioned in the first post you need to run update.php

just apply the following code, replace include/ with the attached file and run update.php


Thanks Stramm for your support.
Yes, I did run update, I did it twice just to obe shure. :-\

I then cheched the mod on update.sql file and its fine.

I have installed your photo shop plug in and mini cms plug in....
Could this be the source the problem? ??? ???

I cant understand why configurations obout image watermarking dont get saved....
If someone hase any idea would be very apreciated.
Live long and prosper!


usually these plugins do not interfere. Most times it's that users don't run update.php. Second most reason are mistakes in applying the code.


One question:

What can I do to keep the watermark from going onto .gif images only?  You see some of the gifs are animated and the watermarking removes that animation feature. So I would like it to not mark .gifs if possible.

My Thoughts:

Thank you very much for the mod. It works great and is very easy to use.


I Just tryed to apply again the mod to see if I could fix the problem. ???

I looked in My Php admin and seems as if the tables needed to run the mod are not present for instance, table : enable_watermark does not exist.

Since I Did run Update, the only posibility must be that i made a wrong mod on the file update.sql right? ???

So my question is: I Modified this file using text edit on mac, just added the following code, as written in first post, closed and saved the file, and uploaded.... where can I be wrong?
....Maby I should use another program to modifie the file?
Dreamweaver will not open the file.... Thanks for your patience!  8)

INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('enable_watermark', '0');
INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('where_put_watermark', 'southeast');
INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('watermark_file', 'images/watermark.png');
INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('which_files_to_watermark', 'both');
INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('orig_pfx', 'orig_');
INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('watermark_transparency', '50');
INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('watermark_transparency_featherx', '0');
INSERT INTO CPG_config (name, value) values ('watermark_transparency_feathery', '0');[/table]
Live long and prosper!



Yes, the file hase been uploaded correctly, i cheched twice  into  sql folder...... sql/update.sql
I wanted to find out where is the problem, so I created the missing tables with phpMyAdmin.

Now the settings get saved, but when I upload a file it's unable to put it in the album, ???
I get this error from Iphoto export (plug in for Iphoto to upload pictures to coppermine)

A server-side error occurred.
The file 'albums/wpw-20080205/DSC_7449_2_2.jpg' can't be inserted in the album <br /><br />(File: : /mounted-storage/home31b/sub001/sc204/www/website/cpg/xp_publish.php / Line: : 841)

Critical error detected: The file 'albums/wpw-20080205/DSC_7449_2_2.jpg' can't be inserted in the album <br /><br />(File: : /mounted-storage/home31b/sub001/sc204/www/website/cpg/xp_publish.php / Line: : 841)

Is it a chmod problem?? but I have Albums directory chmodded on 777 as all the included albums!

No idea? ??? ??? ???

Thanks for any sugestion 8)
Live long and prosper!


Is this mod goiing to be updated to CFG 1.4.16? There has been some updates in ``.


changes from CPG 1.4.15 have been undone in 1.4.16... you always can use the modpack version of as it is  up to date


new here and sorry if my question is off the wall or seems like something i should already know.

I think I did a fairly good job of going thru this post and tryin to make sure my question has not been asked/answered and i didn't see it...but i did have to go skim thru 15 there's a possiblity I may have missed it (only human).

But my question is, is there a way to stop ppl from accessing my 'orig_filename.jpg' image without deleting it from the server? i tried different chmod but that didn't work, and i don't want ppl to be able to access my original photos w/o the watermark but i want to keep them on the server just incase i need the original photo @ a later date!

any help/guidance/suggestions would be greatly appreciated! thanks in advance.


on *nix servers you yould use htaccess, eg. something like this... just place a file with the name .htaccess and the following content in your albums folder

<Files orig_*>
    Order deny,allow
    Deny from all
    Allow from localhost



Sorry, I did try to read through as much of the 15 pages, and also tried to search for an answer before I posted.
so hopefully I'm not asking an already answered question~

How do we actually undo the watermarking? is there an actual function for it (like how there is a function to delete the original file in admin tools?)
or does undoing the watermarking involved manually changing all the orig_ file?



Using Coppermine 1.4.16
*Link Removed*



i get the foll error while running the sql:

SQL query:

ADD PRIMARY KEY ( `extension` ) ;

MySQL said: Documentation
#1091 - Can't DROP 'EXTENSION'; check that column/key exists

any suggestions?



comment it out (adding # in front of the line)

that's mysql for the standard cpg 1.4.16 update, initially not related to this mod


Thnx al lot, finally it works now, but now when i try to upload a new image i get an error after the upload is done:

The previous file could not be placed.

You have successfully placed all the files.

did i mess up something in CHMOD the file permissions?
