Movie download link Movie download link


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Movie download link

Started by Stramm, March 06, 2007, 08:00:38 PM

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Displays a link 'download movie' below a movie in intermediate view. Left click on it opens the movie in the standard app (eg. Media Player), right click -> save as is of course possible too

Version v1.1 downloads on left click

Davide Renda

Here's the solution to a problem I had on my galleries. Plugin "CPGPicDownload" doesn't work with large files and, of course, videos (due to restrictions from my server host I suppose).
With Movie Download all works OK! Thanks Stramm!

Just a quick question, how to let it appear also for other file format (ie. PDF, DOC, etc etc)? I understand the line on codebase.php
if ($mime_content['content']=='movie') {

$download_link_data = '<a href="index.php?file=movie_download/down&link=' .$fullsize_url.'">Download</a>';

is the one to modify, but having zero knowledge of PHP, it's hard for me to find it out....... :(

Davide Renda

I've commented following code
if ($mime_content['content']=='movie')
to obtain the "download" link for all file format. Is there a way to have it shown for all format except images? Anyone can just point me to the right direction? ;-)


if ($mime_content['content']!='image')

Davide Renda

It was so easy then... sometimes solutions are just beneath the nose... thanks!

Here we go then, I've modified codebase.php and made it working for movies and documents. Here's the new codebase.php for whoever might be interested



  CPG Movie Download Link Plugin for Coppermine Photo Gallery


  Copyright (c) 2006 Thomas Lange <>


  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify

  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by

  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or

  (at your option) any later version.


  Coppermine version: 1.4.10

  CPG Movie Download Link Plugin version: 1.1

  $Revision: 1.0 $

  $Author: stramm $


if (!defined('IN_COPPERMINE')) die('Not in Coppermine...');



global $CONFIG;

$fullsize_url get_pic_url($pic_data);

$mime_content cpg_get_type($pic_data['filename']);

if ($mime_content['content']=='movie') {

$download_link_data '      <a class="admin_menu" href="index.php?file=movie_download/down&link=' .$fullsize_url.'" title="Download">DOWNLOAD VIDEO</a>';


if ($mime_content['content']=='document') {

$download_link_data '      <a class="admin_menu" href="index.php?file=movie_download/down&link=' .$fullsize_url.'" title="Download">DOWNLOAD DOCUMENT</a>';


$pic_data['html'] = $pic_data['html'].$download_link_data

return $pic_data



PS. I've also modified the download button style, to better fit with the gallery ;-)


I just wanted to say thanks for posting this. It has been a real life-saver. I know the thread is old, but kudos.

Davide Renda

Is there a possibility to enable this plugin only to registered users?


Try adding this to the code and also add a } at the end of the file before the ?>


mysql_query("SELECT user_name FROM {$CONFIG['TABLE_USERS']} WHERE user_group = Registered AND uid = $uid");
if {
mysql_num_rows($result) == 0;

'Registered user function';

} else {


This may work, not really sure i used this code you may want to look into it a bit more.
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or just add
if(!USER_ID) return $pic_data;
global $CONFIG;

Joachim Müller

@just_some_guy: you have contributed some code snippets in various threads that suggest to run a native mysql query against the database even though you're on a coppermine-driven page. Your efforts to contribute are welcome in the first place, but your advice is just not correct, so it's our moderation task to clarify. Your code is wrong and not recommended. Don't run additional queries if you can avoid this, and don't add another potential point of failure by running native mysql commands. Take a look into coppermine's core code: there are functions that for database call abstraction. In your case, take a look at the functions cpg_db_connect, cpg_db_query, cpg_db_error, cpg_db_fetch_rowset etc.
In this case, Stramm's suggestions are the correct ones. They are much easier to apply, they don't cause extra load and don't add potential issues with queries being run improperly.


Ok, thanks GauGau i will look into the coppermine code.

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Davide Renda

It works fine for me, thanks Stramm.
And thanks to just_some_guy too, at least your code has taught something to me!!!


Quote from: Stramm on March 06, 2007, 08:00:38 PM
Displays a link 'download movie' below a movie in intermediate view. Left click on it opens the movie in the standard app (eg. Media Player), right click -> save as is of course possible too

Version v1.1 downloads on left click
This appears to be a real lifesaver. I have just downloaded it and notice that there are no docs for installing same. Are there any available?



Joachim Müller

RTFM - there are instructions how to install plugins in the documentation that comes with Coppermine. Yet another posting of you that shows you haven't read the docs before posting. ::)


awesome upgrade! :) thank you thank you thank you!

Is there a way to add an image like a blinking gif that says "download here" so that the retards who claim they can't figure out how to download the videos can see it easier? I know it sounds ridiculous but I swear I get emails every week with people asking how to download the videos!

Thank you!

(I'm sorry to ask what is probably a stupid question but I don't know PHP at all!)



in codebase.php replace 'Download movie' with your desired img tag (all html)


its not working for me :(
here's the code Im pasting

$download_link_data = '<a href="index.php?file=movie_download/down&link=' .$fullsize_url.'<img src="plugins/movie_download/coppermine-download-button.gif">';

whats wrong with it?

thankl u!

Joachim Müller

That's not how this works - this is a plugin, you just install it using the plugin manager (refer to the documentation how to install plugins), that's all. You don't edit code.


I have the plugin working already, I just dont understand how to change it from a link to an image. I'll look at the documentation again but I've already installed the plugin.

thank u again! :)



$download_link_data = '      <a class="admin_menu" href="index.php?file=movie_download/down&link=' .$fullsize_url.'" title="Download">DOWNLOAD VIDEO</a>';


$download_link_data = '      <a class="admin_menu" href="index.php?file=movie_download/down&link=' .$fullsize_url.'" title="Download"><img src="plugins/movie_download/coppermine-download-button.gif"></a>';