Image Scroller - Based on iTunes - Slideshow for Main and Album List Pages Image Scroller - Based on iTunes - Slideshow for Main and Album List Pages


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Image Scroller - Based on iTunes - Slideshow for Main and Album List Pages

Started by Joe Carver, August 25, 2009, 04:34:03 PM

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Joe Carver

This plugin is based upon the good work of rphMedia and his excellent mod. Image Scroller - based on iTunes [link to Intermediate]. It will add a moving slideshow of thumbnails to the main and album list page . The thumbs "flip and turn"  for a 3D effect.

    • Fast scroll and reverse direction by mouse click
    • Light weight - low cpu/fast page for visitor
    • Configuration page select - show most viewed, top rated, last comment or random
    • Configuration page - number of thumbnails to show
    • Configuration - adjust size of window


       To install:
       1) Download the  most recent iscroll zip package (see bottomn of this posting) file to your computer
       2) Log in as admin and go to the Config page. Open Album list view, in setting for "The content of the
           main page"    add the value  iscroll  (example:  iscroll/breadcrumb/catlist/.......)
       3) Open General Settings - Manage Plugins, then use Browse - Upload - Install
       to install the iscroll plugin. Check your home page for the new display.
       4) You can now see "CONFIGURATION" in the plugin description.
       Open that link to set your options. You will see "Success!" after you Submit acceptable
       5) Optional - To change the style/size of the thumbs you must replace file flow_link.swf. Within the
       iscroll folder there are two extra folders named with different thumb settings. To change, upload
       the newer flow_link.swf to your gallery root.
       v2.2 is compatible with cpg version 1.4.26

       Important Installation Notes: If your Gallery is in a write-protected folder (ex. 555 permission)
       you might need to manually copy files flow_link.php and flow_link.swf to your gallery root.
       The plugin relies on correct settings in Config/General Settings/URL of your coppermine gallery folder

       To uninstall:

       1) Use Plugin Manager to uninstall - use the advised instructions


    Credits for code snips and inspiration go to: rphMedia for creating the mod. and the .swf files, the Dev. Team for SEF URLS code snips and Timos Welt for Slider code snips.


    Support is limited.

    Examples here: and My personal gallery

    Tested on cpg1.4.26 and works well with SEF URLs v1.44, LightBox v1.2, reCAPTCHA v2.1, Remove Comment Edit v1.1 and Live Links plugins. Tested with Firefox, IE8, Chrome, Safari and Opera.

    Reports from users are kindly requested.

    Styles in the package are shown below. The 17 image small with title is standard, the 5 image large is optional.

    Have fun with it!

    Tested to function with cpg version 1.4.26.
    Use iScroll version 2.2

    [Edit GauGau 2010-03-05]
    This plugin has been added to the subversion repository:

    It has been updated as well to reflect the version checking routines in the plugin manager that are meant to make sure that galleries don't break because of plugins installed that aren't meant for that particular version of the gallery.


    Joe Carver

    Release of Version 1.1  -  Security and Maintenance  -  Upgrade Mandatory

    It is important that users of version 1.0 upgrade immediately.

      List of revisions
      • Change in codebase.php from 'allowScriptAccess','always' to 'allowScriptAccess','sameDomain'
      • Change in flow_link.php to select 'files not like youtube'  (beta change, need confirming test)
      • Change default set of images from 5 large to 17 small
      • Config page changes, default count and size setting adjusted

      New version attached to first post.

      Joachim Müller


      Joe Carver

      Zyrac, You are welcome. However.....

      Your gallery would be considered "not safe for work" by the standards of the Board Rules (please re-read) try to remember that and note it in your next postings.

      Your site gave me an error with my Flash console and the show didn't work when I visited it with the 'www' prefix. With http only it was fine. There is a fix.


      To run this plugin with both www and http prefix.

      Create a file named    crossdomain.xml    copy and paste the following. Add your domain where shown.

      <?xml version="1.0"?><!-- crossdomain.xml -->
       <allow-access-from domain="*" />
       <allow-access-from domain="*" />

      Save (no extra spaces or lines at the end) and upload the file to your gallery root directory.

      The same formats also apply to subdomains in crossdomain.xml.
      The same formats also apply to galleries in folders ex. "" />

      See this link for more info.

      As an alternative you can change your gallery address in Admin/config/general settings to www, but you would have the same problem when visitors use http.

      Joachim Müller

      It's even easier (and better imo) to solve this issue for good with a small section in a .htaccess file in your webroot, as discussed in various threads, e.g. Re: i can't login admin or how cookies simultaneously work for both url one with www. and one does not or Change Coppermine's Cookie Domain?


      i've installed the iscroll plugin and installed it following the readme but it doesn't work. See:
      The main page in the Album list view is setup to show: iscroll/breadcrumb/alblist/catlist/random,2/lastup,2
      I also created the crossdomain.xml file. Any hint? Thanks in advance for your replies.

      Joe Carver

      It looks like the files needed to run were not copied during the installation. I am not sure why.

      Copy files:   flow_link.php      and      flow_link.swf       to your gallery root directory.
      (ex.   /photos/flow_link.php)


      Is it my imagination or... if i choose "latest" uploads to be show it doesn't update with the photos that are uploaded after  the plugin configuration is saved?
      My opinions may change but not the fact that I am right!

      Joe Carver

      With no link to your Coppermine I can only guess what/where your issue might be from. However I just ran 2 quick batch adds/uploads on my test gallery and the scrolling display was updated.

      Some browsers will not refresh the thumbnail selection until the cache/temporary internet files are deleted.


      After another test it looks like it misses the very last uploaded picture. (album=lastup&cat=0&pos=0)
      But it gets the next to last picture for the display (album=lastup&cat=0&pos=1)

      The same thing occurs with top rated and most viewed. I will call it a known bug at the moment.

      I am not sure why and how to fix it. However I will look into it and post a solution if I find it.



      Sorry if i didn't post the link but seemed to me that it wasn't necessary... any way... i leave it now:

      the funny think is that if i select random images... the latest ones appears immediatly... maybe this will help you.

      Thank you for this great plugin.
      My opinions may change but not the fact that I am right!


      I use Coppermine since more two years for me and my family without any big problems that i can't resolve.
      I try to use this great plugin, evrything seems ok but nothing is displayed.
      i follow install steps, read previous posts, and i don't understand where is my problem.
      It's not my PC (try on other) and i can see this plugin working on It's like on Danielco's gallery: the space is reserved, flash loaded but without pictures.

      My gallery (1.4.25) is installed on root and use: iscroll/breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/lastcom,1/lastup,1/updatehistory/minicms/onlinestats

      You can visit at

      Let's me know if tou need more

      Thanks for help in advance



      Quote from: Phipir on November 14, 2009, 04:02:55 PM
      I use Coppermine since more two years for me and my family without any big problems that i can't resolve.
      I try to use this great plugin, evrything seems ok but nothing is displayed.
      i follow install steps, read previous posts, and i don't understand where is my problem.
      It's not my PC (try on other) and i can see this plugin working on It's like on Danielco's gallery: the space is reserved, flash loaded but without pictures.

      My gallery (1.4.25) is installed on root and use: iscroll/breadcrumb/catlist/alblist/lastcom,1/lastup,1/updatehistory/minicms/onlinestats

      You can visit at

      Let's me know if tou need more

      Thanks for help in advance

      I visited your site and I can see iScroll working.
      Try to empty the cache of your browser.
      My opinions may change but not the fact that I am right!

      Joe Carver

      Thanks Rockas for the replies and reports.

      For the issue of the first image in a Meta Album (pos=0) not showing I have no solution after much trying. There might be something in the file flow_link.swf that doesn't "like" the value of 0. Since I can't look into or edit that file I am stuck for an immediate answer, but am still looking.

      Thanks Again


      @ Rockas

      I have allready do that and try with IE, Firefox and with PC's from my local lan that never goes on the site.

      Allways the same thing: nothing is displayed


      Quote from: Phipir on November 14, 2009, 04:27:19 PM
      @ Rockas

      I have allready do that and try with IE, Firefox and with PC's from my local lan that never goes on the site.

      Allways the same thing: nothing is displayed
      It's weird... I can still see it.
      Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall it again?
      Have you tried to update your flash player?

      Check my gallery to check if you can see my iScroll:

      Thank you  for trying.
      I checked the random option and it works fine... i use coppermine default "latest" list so all is ok.
      Keep up the great work.
      My opinions may change but not the fact that I am right!


      QuoteIt's weird... I can still see it.
      Have you tried to uninstall and reinstall it again?
      Have you tried to update your flash player?

      Check my gallery to check if you can see my iScroll:
      I uninstall and install again, remove other plugins and change the order, allways the same.
      My flash player is up to date

      I have allready visit your gallery during last night tests and all i see is a nice black background but no scolling pictures like on the Danielsco's gallery, but i see Iscroll in action on i-imagine's websites.
      Incredible ???

      Joe Carver

      Phipir, The plugin looks OK on your site from here using Firefox and Chrome browsers. Your local network. ISP or firewall settings might be interfering.

      You could try creating the crossdomain.xml file as shown above. My own sites use crossdomain.xml which could make a difference - I am still learning about it and cannot speak with authority on it's effects on the end user's browsing.

      The reference to "Danielsco's gallery" is invalid (unfortunately). The owner has changed the value in Admin/config/general settings/URL of your coppermine gallery folder to a subdomain ( instead of the actual URL of the site ( The plugin will not work on that site until the error is corrected.