Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files) - Page 8 Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files) - Page 8


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Flash Media Player plugin with visual integration (play flv/mp4/mp3/aac files)

Started by Αndré, December 01, 2009, 04:09:38 PM

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I Have converted a file with Handbreake to MP4: Presents Legacy: Classsic
Installed Flash Media Player (flash_media_player): v2.0

And copyed the "curve" theme to the skin folder under the plugin.

but getting this error???
Video not found or access denied:


Quote from: LnQ on April 04, 2013, 08:55:28 AM
And copyed the "curve" theme to the skin folder under the plugin.
Why? Please undo.

Quote from: LnQ on April 04, 2013, 08:55:28 AM
getting this error???
Video not found or access denied:
Please post a link to your gallery where you get this error.



I haven't put much effort into this issue, but I wasn't successful to add a working embed button.


Plugin version 2.2 attached here (Αndré, please feel free to move to your initial post and edit this, as appropriate). I've upgraded the JW Player from version 6.1.2972 (in plugin version 2.1) to 6.7.4071 (released 2013-11-07). Full changelog for JW Player 6 is here.

If you've had issues with MP4 files not playing, this update likely will not help (I finally threw in the towel and converted my MP4's to FLV). However, there have been some major enhancements since 6.1, including full screen playing when iframes are supported, and skinning for mobile devices.

Lewis Rosenthal, CNA, CLE, CLP, CWTS, EA
IT Consultant / Accountant



Just realized that I hadn't updated the codebase.php. Upon opening it, I see the copyright data and versioning. Please delete my previous post & file, if appropriate, or tweak as you see fit, André.

My apologies.
Lewis Rosenthal, CNA, CLE, CLP, CWTS, EA
IT Consultant / Accountant


i have not working this plugin, i see video icon, but when i push this, not opening i see white background on filmstripe.


Hi, Mario...

Is this problem on just a single video or all? What format(s) are you using, and what other details (size, geometry, etc.)? I've found the player to be particular about some things, and even formats which are supposed to be supported often (for seemingly no reason) do not play.

Lewis Rosenthal, CNA, CLE, CLP, CWTS, EA
IT Consultant / Accountant


This problem on for all videos. I use .MP4 format and video size is 1104x832. Thank you very much:) i very wait solutions :)


Mario, which version of the plugin are you using? The one I posted in November or an earlier one? I'll try to have a look at this today, as I have a couple videos to get up on my own server.

Lewis Rosenthal, CNA, CLE, CLP, CWTS, EA
IT Consultant / Accountant


Lewis Rosenthal, CNA, CLE, CLP, CWTS, EA
IT Consultant / Accountant


As in thread http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,60195.msg372794/topicseen.html#msg372794, and based on what I found there - I would try using this too with the curve theme - either setting in config or in the url..
(You didn't have a link posted for me to try it... I'm not sure whre in your gallery an example of this one is...)

Both of these plugins (Flash Media Player and Remote Videos) involve imbedding an object in the webpage with the flash player. It wouldn't surprise me if the same issue in the theme is causing both problems...
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I would have to agree that this has something to do with your theme or some other setting. I downloaded the mp4 and pushed it to my server:


It seems to play fine for me, Mario.
Lewis Rosenthal, CNA, CLE, CLP, CWTS, EA
IT Consultant / Accountant


yes, when you use floog themes, video does not working...i have floog themes.


The floog theme isn't provided by the Coppermine dev team... It was/is a user contribution...
See thread http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php/topic,66371.msg341638.html#msg341638.
Specifically the note from the author:
As always, the theme is designed for use in my own gallery. In hope it will be usefull to others, I am sharing it here. Use at your own risk.
The author hasn't been active here in almost 3 years.
There is also a link to a curve-floog theme that addresses some other issues. You might want to try that as an alternative.

It is possible one of the other devs may recognize the issue, and be able to help... But no guarantees.
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As it seems to be a theme issue, please don't clutter any plugin threads, but start a new thread in the themes board describing your issue. Thanks.


Hi Αndré

Q: The Flash Media Player (flash_media_player): v2.1 for biger playscreen?
Right now only 320x240 ... but like 640x480 or higher?


Bye - Martin


The plugin uses the width/height settings of your Coppermine gallery by default. If you set any width/height values in a video's file information (edit_one_pic.php), those values will used instead. So either you need to adjust the default values of your Coppermine gallery (of course this will also apply to pictures!), or you need to set it manually for each video.