HTML5 slideshow plugin - Page 4 HTML5 slideshow plugin - Page 4


CPG Release 1.6.26
Correct PHP8.2 issues with user and language managers.
Additional fixes for PHP 8.2
Correct PHP8 error with SMF 2.0 bridge.
Correct IPTC supplimental category parsing.
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HTML5 slideshow plugin

Started by ron4mac, February 14, 2013, 04:12:39 AM

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Quote from: ron4mac on April 12, 2015, 08:00:18 PM
Ahh.. Firefox ... okay, I'm seeing the issue now. (Mac OS FF 37.0.1)
I'll work at solving that. I suspect FF may not be totally loading images before it says it has (in the standards way).
I think the Firefox issue may be resolved. I've posted the 1.3.4 version in the original post.


Yay, works great now! :) Unfortunately... :> Seems you've not used the lang file from my last post with translated header line.

Just in case below is a merge of both (header and secs translated by you).
PM me for Polish translations (new/update)


Quote from: wilk on April 13, 2015, 08:07:21 PM
Yay, works great now! :) Unfortunately... :> Seems you've not used the lang file from my last post with translated header line.

Just in case below is a merge of both (header and secs translated by you).
Thanks for your help. Added to 1.3.4 above.


The slide show version 1.3.5 works great with the MaskURL plugin and many thanks for the adaptation Ron and other edits in your plug-in.


Hi --

Is there any chance that the plugin can be modified to start a slideshow from the album list, instead of requiring a viewer to enter the album first ?

See attachment for a graphic representation of the request.


Greg P.


Quote from: AlphaDog on June 26, 2015, 06:49:19 PM
Is there any chance that the plugin can be modified to start a slideshow from the album list, instead of requiring a viewer to enter the album first ?
I'll look into the possibility in the next couple days. Thanks for the feedback/suggestion.


Quote from: AlphaDog on June 26, 2015, 06:49:19 PM
Is there any chance that the plugin can be modified to start a slideshow from the album list, instead of requiring a viewer to enter the album first ?
I had some time on my hands sooner than I thought ;D
Replace the codebase.php file for the plugin with the one in the attached zip file. That should do what you want. I will likely add the feature as an option in the next release. Thanks for the suggestion.

[edit: feature added into version 1.3.6]


Thanks for the quick follow-up !

Unfortunately, not having much success on this end. Replaced the .php file, but the slideshow option doesn't appear in the album listing. Deleted the plugin from Coppermine and reinstalled, including the new .php file. Still no joy.

Is there something more that I'd need to do ? Is the plugin code cached in any way ?


Greg P.


Quote from: AlphaDog on June 26, 2015, 08:56:15 PM
Unfortunately, not having much success on this end.
At issue is that your albums are in sub-categories and the needed plugin hook is not available when displaying an album list from a sub-category. Until that hook is added to the CPG core (or unless you want to run a modified theme) the slideshow button can't be easily added to a sub-category album list.


Quote from: ron4mac on June 26, 2015, 09:29:36 PM
Until that hook is added to the CPG core (or unless you want to run a modified theme)
If you're reasonably skilled at doing a file modification, I could tell you where, in what file you could add the hook code so that it would work for you. You would lose the change when you upgrade CPG (unless the Dev Team decides to add the hook permanently).


Quote from: ron4mac on June 26, 2015, 09:29:36 PM
At issue is that your albums are in sub-categories and the needed plugin hook is not available when displaying an album list from a sub-category.
Whoops!  Hold the phone!
I looked at your CPG install a little more closely.  The version that you are running (1.5.18) is too old for my plugin change to work for you. That is the issue. You will need to upgrade to at least version 1.5.20. For security reasons, it is advised that you upgrade to the latest version (1.5.36).


I was planning on upgrading soon -- this is added incentive  ;D

Thanks again for the quick follow-up !

- Greg P.


After a protracted upgrade to v1.5.36 (Coppermine headaches thanks to 3rd party hosting), I was able to load the updated .php file.

Glad to report that everything works as expected -- thanks again for the quick help.

- Greg P.


I am new with Coppermine, just getting started. I installed the Slideshow plugin under V1.5.38. When I click on the button for the slide show, it starts up, showing the error message "Could not load the image" + filenames. The filenames ar correct and increase. On the doiashow, the pictures are shown correctly.
It's the same for IE or Firefox, OS is Windows 10.
Any idea to fix it?
-Helmut B.


Quote from: HelmutBrandt on October 24, 2015, 05:04:21 PM
it starts up, showing the error message "Could not load the image" + filenames.
Any idea to fix it?
Are you able to provide me with a link to the CPG installation?


Great plugin!
I have installed it, but there are two things that apparently do not work:
"Modify standard slideshow button action"
"Users can configure their slideshow settings"
I don´t see any difference whether these options are selected or not...  ::)
My gallery:
Galería Fotometeo


Quote from: nambroque on April 20, 2016, 10:51:24 AM
I have installed it, but there are two things that apparently do not work:
"Modify standard slideshow button action"
"Users can configure their slideshow settings"
I don´t see any difference whether these options are selected or not...  ::)

The "Modify standard slideshow button action" does seem to work for me at your site. Can you provide me with a link to where you don't think it works?

The "Users can configure their slideshow settings" feature means that a small gear icon will be displayed in the upper-right corner of a slideshow (for a registered user). Clicking the icon will take the user to a screen where they can configure the slideshow for that particular album or they can choose to configure the slideshow for all the albums that they view as a slideshow. Let me know if you still feel that is not working for you.

Thank you for the translation.


Quote from: ron4mac
The "Modify standard slideshow button action" does seem to work for me at your site. Can you provide me with a link to where you don't think it works?

I'm sorry I really don't know what should change when selecting/deselecting that option. I don't know which action of which button is supposed to change

Quote from: ron4mac
The "Users can configure their slideshow settings" feature means that a small gear icon will be displayed in the upper-right corner of a slideshow (for a registered user). Clicking the icon will take the user to a screen where they can configure the slideshow for that particular album or they can choose to configure the slideshow for all the albums that they view as a slideshow. Let me know if you still feel that is not working for you.

I can see that gear if I'm logged in with my Admin account, but if I log in with a registered user it doesn't matter whether that options is selected or not, I don't see it in any case.

Quote from: ron4mac

Thank you for the translation.

It was not too much work, but I think I will have to change the translation of "Modify standard slideshow button action", as I did not know what does change with it. In fact, what I wrote in the Spanish php file is something like "change the button" instead of "change the action of the button". I will change it when I can chack that it works and so I know what exactly you can choose with that option.

My gallery:
Galería Fotometeo


Quote from: nambroque on April 20, 2016, 09:05:12 PM
I'm sorry I really don't know what should change when selecting/deselecting that option. I don't know which action of which button is supposed to change
See image below. That is the button that, when the option is checked, would now bring up the HTML5 Slideshow instead of the standard one built into CPG.

Quote from: nambroque on April 20, 2016, 09:05:12 PM
I can see that gear if I'm logged in with my Admin account, but if I log in with a registered user it doesn't matter whether that options is selected or not, I don't see it in any case.
The slideshow configuration gear only appears for registered users when they are viewing one of their own albums. I originally added the feature so that users could adjust how the slideshow would be for their own albums. I should probably change that behavior somehow. Sorry for the confusion.


Ok, all is clear now, Ron  :)
I have already changed the translation (attached... the one I attached in my previous post should be deleted), and now it says:

Spanish: "Hacer que el icono del presentador de diapositivas de CPG abra el HTML5 Slideshow"
In English it means: "Making the icon of the CPG Slideshow to open HTML5 Slideshow"

Spanish: "Los usuarios pueden configurar el HTML5 Slideshow en sus álbumes personales"
In English: "Users can configure HTML5 Slideshow in their own personal albums"

Please consider changing those text in the english.php as well.  ;)

My gallery:
Galería Fotometeo