[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 21 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 21


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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GauGau here is an updated Russian translation!
- Translation issue
- Based on CPG 1.4.12

When you will have time, please commit it to SVN.

This is full Russian transltaion for stable version 1.4.12
This is for SVN!

This is the same translation as above but I left EXIF information in English.
This is just for people!

Files were deleted!
To get new one go here -> http://forum.coppermine-gallery.net/index.php?topic=26757

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Makc666 on September 18, 2007, 03:36:16 PM
- Based on CPG 1.4.12
Not acceptable. Most recent stable release is cpg1.4.13. Your last translation update that was not functional was one of the reasons why we had to release cpg1.4.13. I'm not willing to look into this unless your translation is based on the most recent stable release, as I definitely don't want to re-introduce bugs that have been ironed out painfully.


Quote from: GauGau on September 18, 2007, 04:39:02 PM
Not acceptable. Most recent stable release is cpg1.4.13. Your last translation update that was not functional was one of the reasons why we had to release cpg1.4.13. I'm not willing to look into this unless your translation is based on the most recent stable release, as I definitely don't want to re-introduce bugs that have been ironed out painfully.
GauGau, you will not belive me, but when I posted that my post about I didn't see a note about 1.4.13 :-\
I am subscribed to that forum with anounces but didn't get any letter about new topic in it. :-[
Sorry for that.

GauGau here is an updated Russian translation!
- Updated language phareses
- Based on CPG 1.4.13
- Tested on live gallery

When you will have time, please commit it to SVN.

This is full Russian transltaion for stable version 1.4.3
This is for SVN!

This is the same translation as above but I left EXIF information in English.
This is just for people!


Woho, long time no see guys and gals. :)

I have updated the swedish translation, based on this file. I hope it's the correct one, as the link to the SVN repository on the translation page in the docs is outdated and doesn't work.

What's changed:
63: removed a couple of "bad words" which aren't really "bad"
211-213: removed Exif-mod stuff (leftovers from my own mod, shouldn't be in the release language file)
268: typo: "kritisk" -> "kritiskt"
306: "denna versionen" -> "den här versionen" (because of swedish dialects one could debate whether it should be "denna versionen" or "denna version", so I changed it to this non-debatable way of saying the same thing. Why is it important? Simply depending on what part of the country you're from it just looks wrong if spelled the "wrong" way)
307: somehow a change had been made on this line after my translation, even though I can't find it in the SVN or in this thread. "bara vara" -> "bara"
337: "sätta på" -> "starta" ("sätta på" in regular swedish can be interpreted as "have sex with")
426: typos: "icke-routbar" -> "icke-routbart", "aktuelt" -> "aktuellt"
438: typo: "nogrann" -> "noggrann"
442: typo: "ogilltiga" -> "ogiltiga"
578: typo: "alfabetisk" -> "alfabetiskt"
602-603: removed Exif-mod stuff (leftovers from my own mod, shouldn't be in the release language file)
620: typo: "dessa inställningarna" -> "dessa inställningar"
665: typo: "anpassat" -> "anpassad" (also changed by someone since my translation)
979: changed "Flash Pix-version" -> "Flashpix-version" (also changed from my translation)
2078: "SVN stabil gren" -> "stabil gren i SVN" (looks better)
2079: "SVN utvecklargren" -> "utvecklargren i SVN" (looks better)

I also, of course, added the new keys introduced since the last translation, and translated them. Sorry if I'm unnecessary detailed on what's been updated, but hey - someone might be interested. :)

About the change from "Flashpix-version" to "Flash Pix-version", which someone apparently made after I posted the first swedish translation here (page 5 or so in this thread); why was it made (does anybody know)? I3A themselves spells it "Flashpix", see http://www.i3a.org/i_flashpix.html. Lots of people, software and sites spell it "FlashPix". That might be okay, but "Flash Pix" is definitely wrong. We should spell it the way I3A does it, imo.

The attached file should be UTF-8, but feel free to double-check it as I'm a bit tired..



While I was making a Danish language file for Stramms modpack I noticed different issues in the original Danish language file from Coppermine 1.4.13.
Everytime the translator have used quotation marks ( " ) in text it had a leading slash ( / ), leading backslash ( \ ) or an ending semicolon ( ; ).
Showes up in Coppermine like this:
";nulstille"; and not as wanted "nulstille"

Is it possible to use quotation marks in text or should I change quotation marks ( " ) to apostrophe ( ' )and use backslash instead like this:
I see that used in the English language file.

Mimer  8)

François Keller

Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


François Keller

no problem, we are waiting for your contributions  ;)
please review the translation doc before http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#translating
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


I have translated the Serbian (Latin) language file of Coppermine version: 1.4.14. You can download it here: http://www.pttbn.com/239006/downloads.php?cat_id=1&download_id=2. I will be translating to Serbian (Cyrillic) and will be finished soon.


Joachim Müller

Why did you edit your above posting? Has the translation been changed? If yes, then don't update your postings, but post a reply! Your initial language file has already been added to the svn on the day you posted.


Estonian translation coming in.


Here is an updated and final Serbian Latin translation of CPG1.4.14! I will be translating to Serbian Cyrillic and will be finished soon.



Hi guys! so long!  :-* I just want to say Im on the road again!!

I was translating CPG Documentation to spanish (50%) months ago but I didn't finish it because lot of work. And now Im decided to do it  >:( (in my freetime).

I have noticed that many things was added so i have to start over again Coppermine Photo Gallery v1.4.15: Documentation and Manual to match with... but no problem.

I downloaded the last package (cpg1414) and the "Photo Gallery v1.4.14: Documentation and Manual" is in, of course. But documentation version 1.4.15 is online... so which one I should translate?  ???

Joachim Müller


Finally, I have translated the Serbian (Cyrillic) language file of Coppermine version: 1.4.14. Enjoy!


I'll make Croatian translation for CPG.
pls mail me whit all data...

François Keller

Yu're welcome to do this.
use the /lang/english.php file as basis.
have a look to the translation guide before http://coppermine-gallery.net/demo/cpg14x/docs/index.htm#translating
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog



I've updated Biskops danish language file for CPG1.4.x to 1.4.14:
English parts translated.
Wrong spelling changed.
Typos changed.
Gramma changed.

Mimer  8)

Joachim Müller

Thanks for the update. Added your contribution to the SVN - will go into cpg1.4.15.


Danish language file updated for cpg 1.4.15 from new english language file.

Missing lines added and translated
English lines translated to danish - some were not translated
Keyword->Nøgleord - some were not translated
Mode->Tilstand - some were not translated

Tested and working.

Mimer  8)