[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 20 [Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x - Page 20


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[Help wanted]: Translations for CPG1.4.x

Started by Joachim Müller, July 04, 2005, 10:05:27 AM

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This is the catalan translation for Coppermine gallery 1.4.12.



:D Hello world !
First of all, Coppermine rocks !
After 3 days of work,I've just finished the romanian complete translation (from scratch, using english.php 1.4.10 3275) for Coppermine Photo Gallery 1.4.10 (stable).The translation contain also the diacritical marks. I upload it here. I tested it , if someone find mistakes please contact me by e-mail.I hope that it will be included in next releases if it pass.I also ask any romanian professional photograph (or others) that know the romanian translations of EXIF informations, to contact me by e-mail.
Thanks in advance.

Reason for editing : Modified language file for UTF-8 Charset

Joachim Müller

As suggested in the intial announcement posting of this thread: please zip your translation file(s) and attach it to your posting on this thread (using "additional options" when composing your message) . that's the way to upload and contribute files. You appear to have done so - thanks. Please don't post in all-bold (I edited your posting, undoing the bold format). Is there any particular reason for using the outdated cpg1.4.10 as a base instead of the most recent cpg1.4.12? The translator's guide says to use the most recent stable release.


GauGau, can you send me your instant messenger ID, i have one question about translation (i can't find a variable in english.php).

I downloaded the 1.4.12 (stable) to look for further modifications.

PS: Thanks for adding my work to Subversion Repository.

Joachim Müller

Don't send PMs, but post your questions publicly.


Ok. No PM's.

I have this problem:
I cannot find to translate:

   "User galleries
         This category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users." ,

as seen in the atached photo.

François Keller

It's normal, those two lines are in the category manager. The gallery admin can change it from the admin menu=>category=>usergallery
It's not in the lang file...
Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog

Joachim Müller

...as suggested in the documentation that comes with coppermine...


Like "Reset successful" ... ?
That is displayed in result page after selecting "Reset image counters" in admin tools and hiting "Send" .I know i'm a newbie, and in documentation i don't find anything about changing the string  "User galleries" or i'm blind...  ::)

François Keller

Avez vous lu la DOC ? la FAQ ? et cherché sur le forum avant de poster ?
Did you read the DOC ? the FAQ ? and search the board before posting ?
Mon Blog


Indeed, but "User galleries" translated in Romanian for example , is not the same "User galleries" translated in french or italian.A variable included in the proper files and in language files to this "User galleries" will do the job.Did I make myself understood?

Joachim Müller

If you're a coder, start a new thread with your code proposal if you know a way to keep database entries multilingual. If you can't code, leave it as-is. Please do not clutter this thread with support-related requests. User galleries is a category. Category names are defined in the database, not in the language file. That's why your request is invalid. It's a known issue that there are some hard-coded strings in util.php. A valid translation is one that contains translations for all strings that exist in english.php. Discussions about possible code changes should not be lead in this thread.


Roger that.I will not clutter anymore in wrong topics.
Btw, I modified the language file to UTF-8, so here it is:

Joachim Müller

Wouldn't have been necessary (as suggested in the translator's guide) - I already did that for you, with your initial attachment. It has already been committed to the SVN - this means that your contribution will be in cpg1.4.13.


Ok. I'm glad to contribute to this project, if you need help with romanian language for further functions that will be implemented in cpg don't hesitate to contact me.Have a nice day.
PS. Soon i will start the work on a theme.I will post my results in the proper category.  ;)

   After comparing with WinMerge the english.php from 1.4.10  with the one from 1.4.12 , i've seen that files are identical,so the translation is fine for 1.4.12 (only difference was the cariage return and blank lines).Is that a problem ?
   I've corected some errors, and the file is now ready to be tested.When it is possible,please upload it to SVN so others may benefit from it. Thank you.

Joachim Müller

Did as suggested and reviewed your second contribution. Had to re-apply some changes that I already had made to the initial translation (don't change the language name fields unless you know what they do). If you want to edit the file even more, please base your edits on the version I just committed to the SVN (revision 3836) or any later version (always use the most recent version).


Dear Friends..

I am from Turkey.. I saw Coppermine Gallery in IMVU then If you need I want to translate it to Turkish..


There is a Turkish translation. Thanks for the offer.


I need to come back once again to all these phrases and words that show up in English language on various gallery pages. I would like to identify all of them and insert appropriate code in order to get rid of it and receive my own language (which is German) if that language is selected.
I searched this forum a while and found various people posting the question concerning
User galleries
This category contains albums that belong to Toontown Gallery members

and the moderators always replied that this text can be changed in the admin menu. That is right, however it does not help if you want to keep it in English too.
I have a bilingual gallery (see http://galerie.toontown-click.de) and I found another rather complicated method to identify that string and replace it if necessary. You need to edit index.php for that.
I included the following code lines after

         case 'catlist':

// replacing English text for German language
    if (strpos($cat_data[0][0],'User galleries')=== false) {}
        else {   if ($CONFIG['lang']=='german') {$cat_data[0][0]=str_replace('User galleries','Benutzer-Galerien',$cat_data[0][0]);
        $cat_data[0][1]=str_replace('This category contains albums that belong to Coppermine users..','Diese Kategorie enthält Alben von Galerie-Mitgliedern.<br /><br />&nbsp;<br />',$cat_data[0][1]);
        }else{$cat_data[0][1].='<br /><br />&nbsp;<br />';} }
// end of modification

If you look closer you'll see that I also added some extra line spacing for the English display too because I wanted a larger gap under that category.

That is a very specific solution, but it doesn't help for still displaying an English text 'User galleries' when clicking on it!  ???
It still says Galerie > User galleries in the navigation bar and it's <title> too.
Is there any other solution to replace every occurance of User galleries for instance right after it's being read from the database categories description? I tried on various places but I had no luck yet ...  :-[

Another annoying message is popping up sometimes when you login as a normal user. I could find and replace that in init.inc.php:
if ($CONFIG['lang']=='german')
  {msg_box($lang_info, 'Wechsel zum Member Mode', $lang_continue, $referer);}
    {msg_box($lang_info, 'Sending you to admin mode', $lang_continue, $referer);}

But I assume (if I follow other posts of this thread) I'll find more places to add something like this. I know this is not a universal and very elegant solution which should make use of the lang file, but as the developers didn't consider it once they coded these things, it is a little hard for me to get everything bilingual now.
Some professional help of experienced Coppermine coders would be appreciated very much.

Joachim Müller

Actually, both your issues don't belong into this thread. For your first issue (renaming the user galleries "one the fly") I suggest starting a separate thread on the support board, as it clearly is a support request.
The second issue you came up with clearly is a bug (an oversight in translation), which should have gone into a separate thread as well to enable us tracking and fixing it on the bugs board. As you can't start threads on the bugs board, post a separate thread on the support board - a moderator will move it accordingly. Not sure though how your users could see that second message "Sending you to admin mode", as this should only apply for users upgrading from cpg1.3.x, but not for users who started with a fresh install of cpg1.4.x.
