Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 5 Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image ) - Page 5


cpg1.5.48 Security release - upgrade mandatory!
The Coppermine development team is releasing a security update for Coppermine in order to counter a recently discovered vulnerability. It is important that all users who run version cpg1.5.46 or older update to this latest version as soon as possible.

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Highslide (Skip Intermediate Page and show full image )

Started by Sami, September 23, 2006, 05:10:47 PM

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Agreed.  The problem originated out of sheer tired.  I just wanted to bring it foward.


@rphMedia : Thank you for support ;)
@Fabrian : Thank you for reporting this :)
As you mention before this is space issue ,
- when you set the plugin for showing intermediate image it should check the intermadite image to be exist and cause you have space on the path the is_file() function couldn't see the intermediate image so plugin use fullsize image (blind choose, without checking for existance of fullsize)
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Davide Renda

I may have found a bug: images uploaded through XpPublish feature are not "highslided" from this plugin.
Have a try on this album where, most of the images (the first ones) were uploaded from me in the office through XP, while other ones from home with either batch add or simple upload the last 7 ones in bottom page).
All images uploaded with XpPublish can be recognised as the url is something as .. /albums/wpw-2006xxxx/image.jpg


Lontano , I've checked that album , all those pictures have complex filename such as 2003.03.mont.st.michel.jpg
These filenames are not regular and plugin couldn't apply to this type of file , use a simpler filename (use _ instead of .)
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Davide Renda

yop, that's it; I've made a deeper search through the gallery and other images uploaded through XpPublish "highslides" - it's a matter of filenames ;-)



no..., no run with sef mod....
debug shows:

    * Warning line 21: mysql_free_result(): supplied argument is not a valid MySQL result resource


    * Notice line 164: Use of undefined constant admin_show - assumed 'admin_show'
    * Notice line 164: Use of undefined constant admin_show - assumed 'admin_show'


    * Warning line 483: sprintf(): Too few arguments
    * Warning line 483: sprintf(): Too few arguments
    * Warning line 483: sprintf(): Too few arguments
    * Warning line 483: sprintf(): Too few arguments
    * Warning line 483: sprintf(): Too few arguments

Joachim Müller

Quote from: Sami on October 06, 2006, 05:10:54 PM
Lontano , I've checked that album , all those pictures have complex filename such as 2003.03.mont.st.michel.jpg
These filenames are not regular and plugin couldn't apply to this type of file , use a simpler filename (use _ instead of .)
Filenames as the one posted above should be fixed as per cpg1.4.8 or better. Subsequently, I guess that your gallery is outdated.
Not related to this plugin imo.


@Quinti:Those notices ,are not related to your sef issue
As I said before I didn't test sef compatibilty , guess I should test it now ! ::)
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jej...sorry, i no view the admin button

wants run...but no..., shh, a litlle bit... look: http://www.fotosdesarria.com/



take the Spanish translation



i haved other js scripts

run run

is great this plugin eh? :))



this lines in the .js

cpghs_restoreTitle : 'Clica para restaurar la foto',
cpghs_loadingText : 'Cargando...',

could be translated in lang.php?

_ _ _ _

in Readme.txt puts:
1.copy captcha folder to your plugins folder"

"captcha" instead of "HighSlide", jijji i'm now a contributor!!!, jejejejje

greetings and all the best :)


- So it's compatible with SEF ;)

- Thank you for translation

- I'll check those lines and will try to add them to lang file

Quote1.copy captcha folder to your plugins folder"

"captcha" instead of "HighSlide", jijji i'm now a contributor!!!, jejejejje

Copy/Paste typo.... :P
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validating the higslide to XHTML 1.0:

         if($HIGHSLIDESET[detail]==1 || $HIGHSLIDESET[close]==1){
            $rep_str.='<ins><div class="highslide-caption" style="height:15px;"id=\'caption-for-'.$match[3].'\'>';
         if($HIGHSLIDESET[detail]==1){ // add link to intermadiate
            $rep_str.='<div onclick="location.href=\''.$match[1].'\'" class="highslide_dtails" style="float:left;" onmouseover="this.className=\'highslide_dtails_over\'"  onmouseout="this.className=\'highslide_dtails\'">'.$lang_plugin_highslide['detail'].'</div>';
         if($HIGHSLIDESET[close]==1){ // add link to intermadiate
            $rep_str.='<div onclick="hs.cpghs_closeId(\''.$match[3].'\')" align="right" class="highslide_dtails" style="float:right;" onmouseover="this.className=\'highslide_dtails_over\'"  onmouseout="this.className=\'highslide_dtails\'">'.$lang_plugin_highslide['close'].'</div>';
         if($HIGHSLIDESET[detail]==1 || $HIGHSLIDESET[close]==1){


Thank you Quinti ,
but that's not correct way,
Next release would be Valid XHTML 1.0 Transitional!
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Hi Sami

yes, it's correct,
in your page is no correct because u have little photos and in the index, shows repeats images, and XHTML no admit (is no correct) repeat the same ID

but if you had only the last post, for example, will be valid.
refresh validator



I'm using future release on my gallery ;) , So you didn't see any error , the only error is for duplicate image (duplicate ID)

use attached codebase instead of yours , you'll see ;)
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New release with New features, check the initial post for more (Valid XHTM, image title on caption & ....)
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get the spanish translation in utf-8

thanks Bonzoo!  ;)