cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 11 cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart - Page 11


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cpgShop - a PayPal shopping cart

Started by Stramm, October 11, 2010, 05:04:51 PM

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Hi Stramm,
I just started a website for my photography business.  I know earlier this year you said anon ordering was not possible because, atm, this plugin was not written for that.  I was wondering if that would be chaning any time soon?  I am looking to utilize this as a way to give my wedding customers a web-hosted album and for all of the guests to be able to come on and view the photographs from the wedding with the ability to order prints.

However, I do not need them to create an account, and I am afraid that may make them shy away from ordering.

If this is not going to be an option in the near future, does anyone know of any other shopping carts available that would be compatible with 1.5?



Forgot to mention, I am willing to pay/donate for the full version.


Please can you PM me about purchasing the cart plugin - many Thanks.


As someone posted before, but I didn't see a resolution... I am getting "Data inconsistent: It seems that product data has changed since you're shopping. Please start the checkout again and verify the values." when order if finalised.

The solution given was to disable a fee for the payment option -- I am using PayPal.  Fee for using PayPal is disabled.  I also tried enabling it and adding a price and still got this error.

Any other ideas? Is there another setting I should look at?


I was wondering how I can sell photos and beable to tell which album it's sold from as I have many people that upload photos and I want to pay them when they are sold but the description doesn't say much

Item name Item and option price Price each Qty Shp Total
2|IMG_0760_640x427.jpg Item price: CA $ 29.99
CA $ 29.99 1 delivery CA $ 29.99
Cart total CA $ 29.99
PayPal fee CA $ 0.00
Shipping fee (Standard) CA $ 9.99
Weight additon CA $ 5.00
Total CA $ 44.98
Includes VAT CA $ 5.85

is there any way to say the album it came from or the members name?

What features does the cpgshop that you pay for have?



Please PM me with details of how to donate for the full version of the cpgShop





This looks great. I'd like to donate for the full version please.



Yeah, this is nice addition to Coppermine which currently I am testing - no errors yet but some things just don't work or are just plain weird

1 - There is NO "Add This Item To Cart Button"
2 - Cannot delete PRICES, OPTIONS created with any Manager - Absolutely nothing happens
3 - Cannot Edit PRICES, OPTIONS,  - there is only a NEW and DELETE button - EDIT button is an absolute must
4 - What on earth are these ? Add new option
                                         Title ( it1||it2||it3 )    
                                         Value ( vl1||vl2||vl3 )

5 - Cannot add SHOP to User Groups
6 - By changing the words PICTURE / PICS that you use everywhere to just plain "ITEMS" then you make it easy for people to use CPG Shop for just about anything (Yes it can be changed in the LANG file but that should not be necessary)

Like I said is nice work and with some additional "polishing" you certainly will have a very nice Plugin worth purchasing.

Any ideas anyone on the above issues?



well yes I am going to hit hard here with the logic behind cpgShop - this is not intended to "insult" anyone - simply a direct method to get to a good working code...

I will be "donating/paying" for this regardless of the outcome of my "issues" although I do hope to find satisfactory solutions/mods/updates...

From the very first step - this is the very first thing a visitor sees upon entering your website with cpgShop incorporated....

1 - The Add To Cart/View Cart/Order History are visible everywhere, on every page and even pages that are totally irrelevant - I want them to be visible only for registered users who have paid for a membership account and only on pages where there is actually a product/item for sale... this is important for SEO - to accomplish this please use a global variable declared in index.php, displayimage.php, and thumbnails.php and add a  php "if" statement in themes.inc.php - if you are not sure how please let me know - I already have the solution, but that does not help the rest of your followers.

2 - The above are strangely located - How to change that?

3 - Registering with cpgShop enabled is weird - (CPGShop)Title (Mr. or Mrs) and (CPGShop)Country are totally irrevelevant and should not be present on the registration form as required information - in a nutshell, I don't give a s**t whether you are a male or female or where you come from - the price of an item is the same whatever gender you are are from where ever you are "connected"

4 - Registering an account offers the ability to purchase items - No account means you can see the items, but not download them

There you have some basic stuff in a nutshell, no beating about the bush - please do not take offence at my style  ;D


Please read the docs. Most of your questions are covered there. For the rest come back here. However if you ask for additioanl coding then I'm afraid I do not have time for that.


Quote from: computel on January 17, 2012, 04:31:35 PM
I was wondering how I can sell photos and beable to tell which album it's sold from as I have many people that upload photos and I want to pay them when they are sold but the description doesn't say much

Item name Item and option price Price each Qty Shp Total
2|IMG_0760_640x427.jpg Item price: CA $ 29.99
CA $ 29.99 1 delivery CA $ 29.99
Cart total CA $ 29.99
PayPal fee CA $ 0.00
Shipping fee (Standard) CA $ 9.99
Weight additon CA $ 5.00
Total CA $ 44.98
Includes VAT CA $ 5.85

is there any way to say the album it came from or the members name?

What features does the cpgshop that you pay for have?


Should be possible without much effort. I'll take a look...


Quote from: anndonnelly on January 17, 2012, 03:24:43 PM
As someone posted before, but I didn't see a resolution... I am getting "Data inconsistent: It seems that product data has changed since you're shopping. Please start the checkout again and verify the values." when order if finalised.

The solution given was to disable a fee for the payment option -- I am using PayPal.  Fee for using PayPal is disabled.  I also tried enabling it and adding a price and still got this error.

Any other ideas? Is there another setting I should look at?

I've fixed that some time back but will need to checkout a newer version. In the meanwhile delete values in config, that do not get used.


Quote from: JUSTINTIME on February 05, 2012, 06:38:33 AM
4 - Registering an account offers the ability to purchase items - No account means you can see the items, but not download them

Yes, basically the shop is intended for photographers who want to sell prints. Still there's the possibility to sell downloadable content in various resolutions. Of course you don't make the resolution you want to sell accessible from the web. That's what the shop's doing. It copies the (real) fullsized (or any resolution you wish) into the customers download folder.
So without purcheasing you can see the pics the admin made accessible.

In general the shop can be used by all visitors as I hope all my visitors by my content (even if they are not yet registered users). So I want them to add content to the cart and once they want to spend money they should give me some personal details (mainly address so I can ship the prints - for me it's important to know how the title of the person for the invoice I send them). As I know that some webmasters don't care about such nullities and even do not have to deal with tax and hence invoices I made required fields configurable.


Yes thanks Stramm

I have managed to get some elements working now... however since I have audio included (mp3 files) that I wish to include as saleable items (my own creations) I did have everything working perfectly and have the "Custom Thumbnail" plugin installed so that I could add personal thumbnails to each audio track. That was also working perfectly, however, after installing the cpgShop I now get this error when I try to add a custom thumbnail:

Fatal error: Class 'cpgTool' not found in /home/glzwxkxf/public_html/mediaza/plugins/cpgshop/codebase.php on line 251

And the ability to upload a thumbnail fails with that error... any ideas about that one?


Maybe it helps if you change the plugin order within the plugin manager. If not, please post a link to the other plugin.


Hi Stramm,

I am using the chaoticsoul theme but I cant get the shop to display.  I have followed all the instructions but I am now at a loss.


Any help would be greatly appreciated



Hi Stramm

The Custom Thumb plugin that I am using (re: above message) is found on this page:


It is the V1.7 by Andre

I have looked at the code but cannot as yet find where/why it causes the error. Both cpgShop and Custom Thumb plugins install fine, and Custom Thumb causes no error with cpgShop, however it seems cpgShop causes the error with the Custom Thumb.

I'll get back on this one.


This is more of a dialog than an error, however it is an area that perhaps needs more clarification - I would be interested to hear other opinions/ideas

While I see that cpgShop would work best for "non-download" items, the option is included in cpgShop for "Downloadable" items - this is good but causes me the following predicament:

Many of my original pictures are up to 10 megabytes in size - if someone were to add 50 such pictures to their shopping basket that would present cpgShop - and my hoster with a huge half a gigabyte file to zip ! Compressing the images is not acceptable  - these are "originals"

The problem is somewhat worse where if someone wanted to purchase 20 WAV music tracks (each is around 30 to 80 megabytes - this would be presenting to the cpgShop zip function and likewise to my hoster a huge 1 gigbyte file to zip.

All it would take is one bright spark to add 100 WAV music tracks/albums (even if they have been paid for) and that would definately kill my hosting server and most probably my account also. I doubt that most hosts would welcome this use of resources.

While I like the idea of putting a time limit for Downloads (already included in cpgShop) that might not be so convenient. This leaves me with the idea of permiting single Downloads only for registered accounts - ie:

Example 1 - $10.00 = 20 individual Downloads permitted over a reasonable time frame - NO Cart and NO Zipping into 1 huge file
Example 2 - Users pay for a One Day Pass and can download whatever they want during a 24 hour period - NO Cart, NO Zipping - (this is open to abuse though)
Example 3 - Users can add to their Cart until the number of items added reaches a certain number/value, and once paid for they recieve Download Links - NO Zipping

Ideas welcome on these and other methods to "offer" and "control" Paid/Purchased Downloads


Zipping is optional cause of your mentioned reasons.
If a customer wants to download an item, a download folder's created, then the pic's getting copied there. If you wish, that folder's emptied after a certain timeframe. After that time the customer still can access that folder and initiate the copy process again. 
There's functionality within the order manager to manually lock a download folder.


Quote from: hunterjo2 on February 06, 2012, 09:08:07 PM
Hi Stramm,

I am using the chaoticsoul theme but I cant get the shop to display.  I have followed all the instructions but I am now at a loss.


Any help would be greatly appreciated


The chaoticsoul theme has a good bunch of changes compared to the standard (curve) theme. Therefore you'll ahve to adapt the shop themeing, too.
For the add_to_cart form you'll have to edit template/blog_add_to_cart.tpl
remove the tr and td tags before <fieldset and after </fieldset>

That should do... and you're free to edit the templates to your likings ;) just leave the functionality intact (fields, forms)