Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 20 Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools - Page 20


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Permanant watermark with undo possibility (GD2+IM working!) + better admin tools

Started by Stramm, March 31, 2006, 03:33:15 PM

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size of the pic you're trying to resize and/ or watermark (width, height)


the sizes vary..I have no definite can take a peek at the site...

I can make a test account for you if you'd like.


watermark is 257px X 54px @ 1.84kb in size.

pics vary in size, as I mentioned.

Album Folders/subs are 777 and the pics inside the albums are 666.

still giving me 500 internal errors while running the process.


try uploading a small and a huge! (huge in width x height) pic. The small shouldn't be a problem. The huge most probably will spit out the error... means you've a pic in your gallery that's to large to watermark. And that means you need to increase memory limit.


Ok, I'll set up a new album with 1 small image and 1 large image then run the admin tools to watermark the images. 
In the mean time, how do I change the memory limit?


You do not need to setup a new gallery... just upload (http is enough) the 2 images to your existing gallery. The admin tools use the same functions to resize / watermark as the standard upload.

To learn more about memory limit read the sticky thread(s) in the upload troubleshooting board


it's not working even on small photos under 100kb..I'm giving up I guess.  I don't have time to go through the entire coding process to redo everything to see the same output.


these are my default values in the php.ini file...

The php.ini file contains the following default values:
upload_max_filesize:20 M
memory_limit:40 M
post_max_size:8 M


scratch it working..had an error with the image file.




grrr...nvm, it's throwing off the error again...I posted the php info for my server.


these are my default values in the php.ini file...

The php.ini file contains the following default values:
upload_max_filesize:20 M
memory_limit:40 M
post_max_size:8 M



I have tried all you suggested.

I have uploaded a small image and a larger image.

The watermarking works on my album with 2 photos, but won't work on my smallest album that isn't a test album with approx 80-90 photos.  it times out half way through.

I have also posted the default php.ini settings for my web hosting server....

seems like the php.ini is all more than enough for what is recommended...

what's next?


Quote from: Stramm on September 16, 2008, 10:39:34 PMupgrade to 1.4.19, then post a link to your site and all your watermarking settings
I upgraded the gallery to 1.4.19, but the resizing isn't working.
Please see here, but my site is in Russian.
This is my watermarking settings:
QuoteWhich file to use for watermark - images/watermark.png         
Transparency 0-100 for entire image - 100       
Downsize watermark if width of an picture is smaller than entered value. That is the 100% reference point. Resizing of the watermark is linear (0 to disable) - 50       
Set color transparent x (GD2 only) - 0       
Set color transparent y (GD2 only) - 0

uglycars there anything else I can do to help you troubleshoot this issue?

I really am wanting to use this watermark mod!



Quote from: vglick on September 27, 2008, 03:44:21 PM
I upgraded the gallery to 1.4.19, but the resizing isn't working.
Please see here, but my site is in Russian.
This is my watermarking settings:

set 'Downsize ... ' to something realistic like 800 - 1280 (that's the width the watermark should have it's full size; if an image is smaller, the watermark gets reduced in size)


Quote from: uglycars on September 29, 2008, 09:19:40 PM there anything else I can do to help you troubleshoot this issue?

I really am wanting to use this watermark mod!


Post more info... you can see where the error approx happens and maybe find out the file that makes the trouble. It may be to big (40mb are enough for ~2400px * 2000px) or corrupted. Then it won't work of course. If you use a huge watermark size reduces, too.

On some systems I've seen that they need twice the mem as they hold the pic two times in mem (original, a copy that's getting resized and watermarked). In such a case you have to increase memory limit or upload smaller images (in size)


The watermark is 3.51KB 100X74px.

The error is random, so it's hard to pinpoint when it's going to happen.  Sometimes it happens quick, sometimes it happens after a bit.

I'll try increasing the memory limit to 80mb and post back...


I had a friend look at the gallery who writes php and said the error is happening somewhere in the upload.php....

Here's my far as I know, it's the default file...